Page 39 - PEN Ebook May 2021
P. 39

SEMICONDUCTORS                                                                               Semiconductors

 Modeling of Switching

 transients of the SiC

 MOSFET Based on Finite   Figure 1: Topology of inductive clamped circuit.  3.  Sub-stage S13 (Voltage commutation)

 State Machine (FSM)  SWITCHING TRANSIENT                       4.  Sub-stage S14 (Turn-on ringing)

          Figure 1 shows the SiC MOSFET modeling pro-
          cess that is in the phase of the switching tran-
 By Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio, Editor-in-Chief of Power Electronics News and EEWeb  sient and is based on an inductive clamp circuit

          that has few of the critical parasitic parameters    Characterization of Turn-off state
 It has been observed in the areas of the aeronaut-  simplicity in comparison with the physical and   known as Cgs, Cds and Cgd. Significant consid-  Just as in the Turn-on, the characterization of
 ics, shipboard systems and electric vehicles, [1][2]  spice modeling [6][7] respectively.   erations should be paid to the modeling because   Turn-off state also consists of 4 sub-stages. It can
 [3] that one of the best solution available is the   the parasitic parameters have strong impact on   be rightly stated here that the mechanism that was
 silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET due to the high-fre-  A huge number of models such as switching   the characteristics of the SiC MOSFET.   used in the turn-on state for the Sub-stage S11
 quency HF and high-density of its converters. SiC   transient, influences of parasitic parameters,   (Turn-on delay), Sub-stage S12 (Current commu-
 MOSFET offer faster switching along with lower   switching loss, switching oscillation and high-fre-  Characterization of Turn-on state  tation) and Sub-stage S13 (Voltage commutation)

 power loss as compared to the silicon Si based   quency (HF) electromagnetic interference (EMI)   There are further 4 sub-stages in the turn-on   are similar for the subsequent steps such as S21
 IGBT. This factor makes it able of operating with   noise, [8][9][10][11][12][13] respectively have been   transient . These four sub-stages show the re-  (turn-off delay), S22 (voltage commutation), and
 higher level switching frequency which is estimated   given but none of them could be applied on   lationship between gate and power gate loops   S23 (current commutation). The only change is in
 to be of several hundreds of kilo Hertz. That will   switching loss.   in the inductive clamped circuit [14]. These   the Turn-off ringing stage [14] called S24.
 eventually improve the charge density and efficien-  sub-stages are named as
 cy of the power converter [4][5].   This article will elaborate the analytical modeling
 based on finite state machine (FSM) specifically   1.  Sub-stage S11 (Turn-on delay)
 Analytical modeling has the tendency of effec-  for the evaluation of the switching characteristics
 tively making the trade-off between accuracy and   in terms of HF EMI noise and switching loss.   2.  Sub-stage S12 (Current commutation)

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