Page 23 - EE Times Europe Magazine | June2020
P. 23

EE|Times EUROPE   23

                                                   GaN HEMTs Outperform MOSFETs in Key Growth Applications

                                               An increase in performance to 30 V enables
                                               GaN to be used to build high-power DC/DC
                                               converters, point-of-load (PoL) converters,
                                               and synchronous rectifiers for isolated power
                                               supplies, PCs, and servers.
                                                 The smallest, most cost-effective, and
                                               highest-efficiency non-isolated 48-V to 12-V
                                               converter, suitable for high-performance
                                               computing and telecommunication applica-
                                               tions, can be achieved by employing eGaN
                                               FETs such as the EPC2045, according to EPC.
                                               The EPC2045 has an operating temperature
                                               of –40°C to 150°C with thermal resistance
                                               of 1.4°C/W. The drain-source on-resistance
                                               (R DS(on) ) is 5.6 mΩ typical (Figures 3 and 4).   Figure 5: EPC9148 GaN transistor board
                                                 In the consumer market, portable solutions   for consumer applications (Image: EPC)
                                               are becoming increasingly energy-hungry.
           Figure 3: Representation of a 48-V mild   Efficiency and thermal management are crit-
           hybrid system                       ical in small platforms with minimal cooling
                                               solutions. The need for fast and efficient
             For 48-V bus systems, GaN technology   chargers has led the consumer market toward
           increases efficiency, reduces system size, and   GaN solutions (Figure 5).
           reduces system cost. A 250-kHz GaN solution
           with double the frequency allows a 35%   LiDAR
           reduction in size, lowering inductor DC resis-  The eGaN FETs and integrated circuits are
           tance (DCR) losses as well as cutting system   the logical choices to use when turning on a
           cost by approximately 20% compared with   laser in a LiDAR system because FETs can be
           the MOSFET solution. GaN’s exceptionally   activated to create high-current pulses with
           high electron mobility and low temperature   extremely short pulse widths. “The short
           coefficient allow low Q G  and zero reverse-   pulse width leads to higher resolution, and
           recovery charge (Q RR) ). The final result is a   the higher pulse current allows LiDAR sys-  Figure 6: EPC9144 development board
           device that can manage tasks with a very   tems to see further,” said Lidow. “These two   (Image: EPC)
           high switching frequency for which a low on   features, together with their extremely small
           time is beneficial, as well as those in which   size, make GaN ideal for LiDAR.”
           on-state losses dominate.             EPC provides various development boards   Cepton Technologies’ Helius LiDAR solu-
              “High-power EPC eGaN FETs’ lower   for its eGAN FETs. The EPC9144 is mainly   tion, based on the EPC technology, delivers
           resistance in the on state, lower capaci-  designed to drive high-current laser diodes   advanced object detection, tracking, and
           tance, higher current, and excellent thermal   with high-current pulses at a total pulse   classification capabilities to enable applica-
           performance characterize these power   width of 1.2 ns and current up to 28 A    tions for smart cities, transport infrastructure,
           converters with over 98% efficiency,” said   (Figure 6). The board is designed around the   security, and more. It combines industry-
           Alex Lidow, CEO and co-founder at EPC. “This   15-V EPC2216 eGaN FET, which is automo-  leading 3D LiDAR sensing powered by
           family of eGaN FETs halves the drain-source   tive-qualified to AEC-Q101. The EPC9126 and   Cepton’s patented Micro Motion Technology
           on-resistance to enable high-current and   EPC9126HC development boards are primarily   (MMT), edge computing for minimum data
           high-power-density applications.”   intended to drive laser diodes with high-   burden and maximum ease of integration,
             The latest generation of eGaN FETs also   current pulses and total pulse widths as low   and built-in advanced perception software for
           halves the hard-switching figure of merit   as 5 ns (10% of peak). They are designed with   real-time analytics.
           compared with the previous generation for   the 100-V EPC2212 and EPC2001C enhance-  “LiDAR has become a very significant
           improved switching performance in high-   ment-mode eGaN FETs, capable of 75-A and   market,” said Lidow. “It is probably most
           frequency power conversion applications.   150-A current pulses, respectively.   recognized as the solution for autonomous
                                                                                   cars. However, a faster-growing market is
                                                                                   for short-range LiDAR, which is being used
                                                                                   for things like robots that only need to see a
                                                                                   few feet, drones for collision avoidance, and
                                                                                   driver-alertness systems.
                                                                                     “Short-range LiDAR systems do not
                                                                                   require as much current as long-range LiDAR
                                                                                   systems. But seeing [over a] short distance
                                                                                   means you need an even faster pulse, because
                                                                                   if you’re measuring something that is 1 meter
                                                                                   away, [for example], the return signal will
                                                                                   come back in just nanoseconds. We’ve demon-
                                                                                   strated systems for short-range LiDAR that
                                                                                   have pulse widths less than 1.2 ns.”
           Figure 4: Efficiency versus current (Image: EPC)

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