Page 18 - EE Times Europe Magazine | June2020
P. 18

18 EE|Times EUROPE

           The Growing Importance of Innovative MEMS Microphones

           the membrane. These kinds of extreme membrane dis-
           placements cause distortion. The second challenge is
           to design an ASIC capable of handling the large signal
           that the MEMS element generates. As audio-process-
           ing algorithms assume a linear signal, any distortions
           above 1% can cause a significant reduction of the audio
           quality on which advanced audio processing relies.
             One approach is to implement a MEMS sensor
           element that places the moving membrane between
           two capacitor plates (dual backplate, or DBP). A DBP
           MEMS microphone minimizes distortion due to its
           symmetrical construction. The same effect is achieved
           by moving two membranes that sandwich the capaci-
           tor plate (dual membrane).

           SEALED DUAL-MEMBRANE TECHNOLOGY           Figure 5: MEMS microphones with robust sealed dual-membrane technology
           The introduction of DBP technology has produced a   (SDM) set the SNR and AOP benchmarks.
           significant increase in linearity specifications com-
           pared with MEMS microphones with a single backplate.
           The next evolutionary step is capacitive MEMS microphones with an   quality to water and dust robustness to size and cost. Infineon offers a
           SDM. Sealing the capacitance area enables practically noise-free audio   portfolio of XENSIV™ MEMS microphones that ranges from low-cost
           signal capture. This increases the SNR further, from 70 dB up to 75 dB   models to products that deliver the highest performance levels. Devices
           (Figure 5). The first prototypes have already achieved an SNR of 75 dB   with a single backplate are robust and cost-effective but have lim-
           and an AOP of 135 dB SPL. The first devices in this new generation have   ited acoustic performance, whereas MEMS devices with DBP provide
           already been used to demonstrate the advanced audio features discussed   improved acoustics. SDM technology combines the highest acoustic
           above. By the end of 2020, Infineon will introduce further shrunk-sealed   performance (SNR up to 75 dB) with high robustness (IP 57). SDM
           dual-membrane microphones targeted at space-constrained devices.  MEMS microphones with best-in-class SNR are robust against dust
                                                                 and water and are the ideal choice for emerging applications such as
           CONCLUSION                                            high-quality video/audio conferencing and medical tracking. ■
           Microphone technology is becoming increasingly important as the
           number of audio applications and features rise. Different factors have   REFERENCE
           to be considered for a variety of applications, ranging from audio   1 Digital and Voice Interface Forecast, October 2018


           Imagination Inquiry Exposes                                             IC Unit Shipments

           Wider Risk of IP Sales to China                                         Face First-Ever
                                                                                   Back-to-Back Decline
           Imagination Technologies’ now-defunct   defended their business strategies. Imagi-
           plan to add four Chinese investors to its   nation’s revenue has steadily declined since
           executive board has touched a raw nerve   2017, and its recovery path has pitted former   Market researcher IC Insights forecasts that
           in the U.K. and triggered a series of events   CEOs Hossein Yassaie and Ron Black, as well   worldwide IC unit shipments will register
           leading to a full-blown government inquiry.   as former senior executive John Rayfield,   their first-ever back-to-back annual decline
           In a three-hour hearing before the U.K.   against interim CEO Ray Bingham, who   in 2020. Prior to 2019, the previous four years
           Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee,   favored the involvement of Chinese backers.   that IC unit shipments declined were 1985,
           three Imagination CEOs, past and present,   None of the issues were resolved. The   2001, 2009, and 2012. From 2013 through
           were grilled in a public battle to preserve   committee tried to unravel the drama that   2018, IC unit shipments were on a respect-
           the IP developer’s legacy. The public debate   sparked the questions — the departure of   able growth path, with an 8% increase logged
           centered on the suitability of Imagination   Black and Rayfield as well as former senior   in 2013, a 9% jump registered in 2014, a 5%
           owner Canyon Bridge Partners’ recent   executive Steve Evans — and fears that   increase displayed in 2015, a 7% increase
           attempt to add new Chinese directors to    Imagination would relocate to China.  shown in 2016, a double-digit growth rate of
           the board and the government’s role — if   The bigger picture — IP licensing and   15% in 2017, and a 10% increase in 2018.
           any — in protecting home-grown intellec-  security risks represented by China — isn’t   In contrast to the double-digit increases
           tual property (IP).               unique to the U.K. Electronics companies   in 2017 and 2018, 2019 marked only the fifth
             Tech industry executives watched the live   view the lucrative Chinese electronics market   time in the history of the IC industry that IC
           online event as factions within Imagina-  as fiscal salvation; governments greet China’s   unit shipments registered a decline, according
           tion’s past and present senior leadership   foreign-investment plans with suspicion.  to IC Insights.

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