Page 25 - EE Times Europe Magazine | June2020
P. 25

EE|Times EUROPE   25

           Reliable and Efficient Control of SiC MOSFETs

           By Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio

                  emand continues to grow rapidly for
                  silicon carbide (SiC)-based devices
                  to maximize efficiency and reduce
          Dsize and weight, enabling engineers
           to create innovative power solutions. Appli-
           cations that leverage SiC technology range
           from electric vehicles (EVs) and charging
           stations to smart power grids and industrial
           and aeronautical power systems.
             New digital programmable gate driver
           solutions help accelerate the process from
           design to production. The higher electric
           field strength of SiC substrates permits    Figure 1: What’s driving the adoption of SiC in power electronics?
           the use of thinner base structures. Sili-  (Image: Microchip Technology)
           con carbide is also excellent in its voltage
           resistance but not very good in standup
           short-circuit conditions. The new gate driv-  trial, automotive, medical, aerospace and   gain, and reduce system footprint. Available
           ers have been designed to address problems   defense, traction or train, and more.”   topologies include dual diode, full bridge,
           such as system noise, short-circuits, over-  SiC power technology allows EV and   phase leg, dual common cathode, and three-
           voltage, and overheating.           other high-power switching applications to   phase bridge, and multiple current and
                                               achieve maximum efficiency, said Esparza.   package options are offered.
           SiC TECHNOLOGY                      “Silicon carbide serves the needs of appli-  The addition of SiC SBD modules in
           SiC technology is now widely recognized   cations requiring system voltages of 600 V   designs maximizes switching efficiency,
           as a reliable alternative to silicon. Many   and above. We’re seeing a lot of opportunity   reduces thermal gain, and allows for a
           manufacturers of power modules and power   for our 700-V and 1,200-V devices within   smaller system footprint. High device perfor-
           inverters have laid the foundations for SiC   electric-vehicle applications that have either   mance enables system designers to minimize
           use in their product roadmaps.      a 400-V or an 800-V bus, [as well as in]   the need for snubber circuits by leveraging
             “The [market] growth in silicon carbide   industrial medical equipment that is in the   the stability of the diode body without long-
           power semiconductor devices has doubled   higher-voltage range.”        term degradation (Figure 1).
           over the last three years,” said Orlando   System designers are adopting SiC solu-  Microchip offers several reference designs
           Esparza, strategic marketing manager at   tions to overcome the efficiency limitations   to accelerate design development. The
           Microchip Technology. “There’s a lot of   of traditional, silicon-based devices, he   MSCSICSP3/REF2 reference design provides
           optimism in the market that it will reach up   added. “Silicon carbide allows their systems   an example of a highly isolated SiC
           to US$10 billion within the next seven to 10   to be smaller and lighter-weight, and the   MOSFET dual-gate driver for the SiC SP3
           years. We are seeing rapid adoption [for SiC],   overall system cost is actually lower.”  phase leg modules (Figure 2). It can be
           and we are working on a large number of   Microchip’s new power modules include   configured by switches to drive in a half-
           opportunities globally.             commercially qualified Schottky barrier   bridge configuration with only one side on at
             “These opportunities span across many   diodes (SBDs) at 700, 1,200, and 1,700 V to   any time and with dead-time protection. The
           different types of applications within indus-  maximize switching efficiency, reduce heat   low-inductance SP6LI driver reference design

                                                                                   Figure 4: MSCSICPFC/REF5 is a three-
           Figure 2: MSCSICSP3/REF2 reference   Figure 3: Low-inductance SP6LI driver   phase Vienna PFC reference design.
           design (Image: Microchip Technology)  reference design (Image: Microchip Technology)  (Image: Microchip Technology)

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