Page 29 - PEN eBook July 2023
P. 29


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            Day 1

            (LE1) The Ascent of GaN                            (LE2) Industrial Drives:
                                                               A New Horizon for Real
            This Lecture/Tutorial is                           and Relevant Higher Efficiency
            presented by Alex Lidow, CEO,
            Efficient Power Conversion                         Industrial Drives Enabled by

            After more than 13 years of mass production,       Today's SiC
            GaN-on-Si has gained widespread acceptance
            as the successor to the aging silicon MOSFET       This Lecture/Tutorial is presented
            for voltage ranging between 40 V and 650 V.        by Guy Moxey, Senior Director Power
            What, therefore, are the variables controlling     Products, Wolfspeed
            the rate of growth of GaN power devices.           5% of all electricity generated is used to turn
            We will dig into the experience, and lessons       a motor so ensuring that the motor to drive
            learned from the power MOSFET as well as           system is highly efficient and optimised for
            the recent experiences with GaN in applica-        performance is key to ensuring better energy
            tions ranging from DC-DC conversion...             conversion. Regional and end equipment...

            (LE3) Bidirectional SiC and                        (LE5) Panel Discussion about
            GaN Switch Technology                              SiC & GaN Solutions: Recent

                                                               Developments and the Next
            This Lecture/Tutorial is presented
            by Dr. Victor Veliadis is Executive                Challenges to Overcome
            Director & CTO of PowerAmerica                     Panel Discussion with Industry

            There are numerous mass volume power ap-           Experts, moderated by EE Times
            plications where it is necessary to control the    Editor Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio
            flow of bidirectional power. Today, monolithic     The global wide-bandgap landscape has been
            bidirectional SiC and GaN power semiconduc-        marked by growth and increasing industrial
            tor switches are not commercially available.       acceptability. Companies are developing an
            Instead, back-to-back (anti-series) connection     extensive portfolio of devices that promise
            schemes of unidirectional power devices are        benefits in a variety of applications for in-
            typically used, resulting in a 4X penalty in chip   dustrial, automotive and consumer markets,
            area and high cost. However, various...            among others, as technology...

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