Page 30 - PEN eBook July 2023
P. 30

Conference Program

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            Day 2

            (WG1) WBG Solutions Drive                          (WG2) GaN & SiC:
            Decarbonization                                    Accelerating Revolutions

            These Opening Remarks will                         This Keynote will be presented
            be presented by Dr. Johannes                       by Stephen Oliver, VP Corporate
            Schoiswohl, Business Line Head EPIC,               Marketing & Investor Relations,
            and Adam White, Division President of              Navitas
            Power & Sensor Systems, Infineon                   Today GaN & SiC are driving the wide band-

            Decarbonization and digitalization are two         gap revolution, with a predicted 30% mar-
            defining challenges of our times. A strong         ket share seized from legacy silicon by the
            commitment to reduce the impact of climate         end of 2028. Acceleration also plays a role in
            change and to shaping a future worth living –      next-generation systems, with faster switching
            for ourselves, and for generations to come – is    frequencies (kHz-MHz) and switching speeds
            necessary. One example...                          (dV/dt, V/ns). As power component blocks be-
                                                               come easier to use, time-to-market...

            (WG3) Market Dynamics of                           (WG8) Panel Discussion: SiC and
            Automotive SiC Revolution                          GaN Power Devices’ Reliability

            for Electrification                                and Quality

            This Keynote is presented by Dr.                   Panel Discussion with Industry
            Mrinal K. Das, Senior Director of                  Experts, moderated by EE Times
            Technical Marketing of Advanced                    Editor Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio
            Power Division, onsemi                             WBG semiconductors have helped improve the

            The on-going automotive market Electrifica-        performance of power systems and cut down
            tion revolution is pushing to increase power       on the cost of their parts. Failure rates in the
            and efficiency to enable extra miles and per-      parts-per-billion level are necessary to com-
            formances at lower cost. The higher maturity       pete in markets with stricter standards. The
            of the wide bandgap technology and increased       primary reliability issues that face WBG sem-
            performances of the SiC device...                  iconductors like SiC and GaN, as well as the
                                                               corresponding quality standards for...

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