Page 31 - PEN eBook July 2023
P. 31

Conference Program

            Day 3

            (PC1) Power Adapter                                (PC2) Silicon Never Fails

            Intelligent Power Sharing:                         to Surprise: The Case for
            Power Efficiency                                   Superjunction MDmesh

            These Opening Remarks are presented                This Keynote is presented by Filippo
            by Hubie Noto, Director of Marketing,              Di Giovanni, Innovation and Key
            Silanna Semiconductor                              Programs Manager, Power Transistor
            Power adapters with multiport power shar-          MACRO Division, STMicroelectronics
            ing are devices that allow multiple electronic     Silicon has been the main material in manu-
            devices to be charged or powered simultane-        facturing semiconductors. It has been used
            ously. These adapters typically have multiple      for decades and has become pervasive in our
            output ports, each capable of delivering power     everyday life, used in practically everything
            to different devices including smartphones,        we touch. Despite being so well-established,
            tablets, laptops, or other USB-powered con-        engineers and designers still...
            sumer electronics, smart home...

            (PC3) How Advanced                                 (PC8) Panel Discussion:

            Power Technology Makes                             Technical Trends with Power
            Polymerase Chain Reaction                          Conversion

            (PCR) Tests Possible
                                                               Panel Discussion with Industry
            This Keynote is presented by                       Experts, moderated by EE Times
            Patrick Le Fèvre, Chief Marketing                  Editor Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio
            and Communications Officer, and                    Innovative power management devices im-
            Technology Evangelist, Powerbox                    prove power-factor correction and lower

            During the past two years or so, in one way or     standby power consumption to offer ener-
            another the world population has been affect-      gy-efficient solutions across all industrial,
            ed by the Covid-19 virus, and the polymerase       consumer and automotive applications. Al-
            chain reaction (PCR) test has entered into our     most all devices rely on some form of power
            daily lives. At this point we could quite easily   conversion, whether it’s changing the voltage
            question what a power...                           of a DC battery or converting AC mains...

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