Page 33 - PEN eBook July 2023
P. 33

CoolSiC™ MOSFET for industrial drive               trollers, gate drivers, passive components and
            applications                                       topologies need to be reviewed and adapted
                                                               to the higher switching frequency operation.
            Presented by Niclas Thon, System Application       The 1.2 kW GaN CCM Totem-Pole PFC refer-
            Engineer, Infineon
                                                               ence power stage is here introduced to com-
            Industrial drives have a long history in power     bine the new 65mOhm E-mode G-HEMT™, the
            electronics as application. In the recent years,   STM32G4 featuring a high-resolution timer for
            drive manufacturers are putting a strong-          very high switching frequency operation and
            er focus into enhancing power density and          the STGAP2G galvanic isolated gate driver de-
            efficiency. With CoolSiC™ MOSFET technology        signed to drive GaN devices to reach 99% effi-
            Infineon provides a solution to such require-      ciency for easy thermal design and compliance
            ments. A technical comparison is presented         to challenging 80 Plus Titanium specification.
            between silicon-based IGBT7 TRENCHSTOP™
            technology, optimized for general-purpose
            drive applications, and CoolSiC™ MOSFET            Nexperia
            technology. This comparison was conduct-
            ed under typical drive conditions, including
            consideration of dV/dt restrictions of <5V/ns,     MOSFET device analysis at your
            to assess the thermal performance of differ-       fingertips with interactive datasheets
            ent power semiconductors in identical motor        Presented by Stein Nesbakk, Marketing
            drives.                                            Engineer, Nexperia
                                                               Allowing engineers to visualize the interaction
                                                               between parameters such as gate voltage,
            STMicroelectronics                                 drain current, RDS(on) and temperature, the

                                                               collective contribution to the device behavior
            Next Steps in Density and Efficiency               can now be displayed dynamically in tables or
            with ST PowerGaN in 1.2 kW GaN                     graphs. Nexperia’s interactive datasheets can
            CCM Totem-Pole PFC Implementation                  significantly increase productivity by eliminat-
                                                               ing the time needed for an engineer to per-
            Presented by Gianni Vitale, Application
            Director, STMicroelectronics                       form manual calculations or set up and debug
                                                               a circuit simulation. Whether you are a Design
            Power density and efficiency for switching         Engineer looking to see how a device will per-
            converters has made a major step forward           form at elevated temperature, or a Component
            with the presence in the market of Gallium         Engineer trying to compare devices under dif-
            nitride (GaN) technology, superior perfor-         ferent test conditions, interactive datasheets
            mances of the new WBG technology are now           are designed to make your life easier.
            driving the development of consumer chargers
            towards miniaturization and targeting power
            conversion stages in server and EV applica-
            tions. Along with the GaN technology, con-

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