Page 47 - PEN Ebook May 2021
P. 47

Test & Measurements                                                                     Test & Measurements

 There are better or worse solutions depending   the performance increase of computers cannot be   CONCLUSION

 on the type of application. The second option is   neglected but, finally, every simulation is only as   The renaissance of power elec-
 to use the best semiconductor available. New   good as the models and the supplied data are. Pas-  tronics is a result of current
 semiconductor materials have found their way to   sive components are an example. Typically, speci-  market trends. Efficient and
 the market. The wide band gap materials (WBG)   fications of passive components are changing with   reliable power converters be-
 like Silicon Carbide (SiC) or Gallium Nitrite (GaN)   the use case. For example, ceramic capacitors have   came the crucial part in many
 are the most prominent ones. Both have low-  different capacity at different bias voltages, or the   designs. New semiconductor
 er losses (switching/conducting), have a higher   inductance of coils change with the current. The   materials give their contribu-
 voltage withstand and support faster switching   datasheet of components most of the time does   tion and open several new pos-
 frequencies. But, as it constantly happens, noth-  not represent this. ESR, ESL or AC resistance are   sibilities for design engineers,

 ing comes for free. Obviously, new and modern   not given for the frequency of the real use case. It   but also bring new challenges
 semiconductors might stand in conflict with the   is therefore necessary to measure the components   with them. To get insights and
 requirement on lower cost. But on a second view   under real conditions before it make sense to feed   be able to get the best out of
 there is no real conflict there. SiC/GaN devices   them into the simulation tool. Furthermore, there   the design it is still necessary
 are indeed more expensive compared to well-es-  are Must-Have tests like EMC Compliance and re-  to do extensive measurements.
 tablished Silicon-based MOSFETs, but the poten-  liability testing. Also, performance specifications of   Siglent has extended its meas-
 tial for cost saving lies in the fact that they allow   the final product like power consumption, dynamic   urement equipment during the

 using less and/or smaller components or heat   response need to be proved by measuring.   last years and can now offer a
 sinks. Another challenge is the lack of experience                             wide set of products to help
 with using SiC and GaN and this might lead to   So finally, let us have a look at the most com-  engineers solve their tasks.
 issues (e.g. instability) during the design cycle.   mon and important measurements. For didactic
          Figure 2: Step Response.
 Also, higher switching frequency is a brilliant   reasons, we might start with the measurement of
 source for EMC emissions, and this is crucial as,   the dynamic response, which is typically done at   To achieve an optimized design and finish
 in the end, there is a standard to which the prod-  a later stage in the development process, but it   everything within the given time it is suggested
 uct must comply.   clearly shows what happens if the design is not   to start measuring as early as possible. Ideal-
 properly done. During the measurement of the   ly, the first task should be to optimize the inner

 Meeting the requirements of a smaller size and   Load Step Response the load current steps be-  “core” i.e., the switching stage. A proper layout
 weight is mandatory if the product is designed   tween e.g. 10% and 90% of the maximum current.   is crucial here to avoid high frequency ringing
 for the wearables market, lower weight is also   Parallel to the current, the output voltage will be   caused by LC resonances (CDS / Ltrace). Fur-
 an important specification for electrification   measured. Top section of figure 2 shows inten-  thermore, the dead-time between high-side and
 of transportation no matter if it is for drones   sive ringing. This can be an issue when it comes   low-side switching has to be proper. If too tight,
 or cars. The new WBG-switches can also offer   to EMC testing. As shown, oscillations point to an   short circuits can happen and if it is too long,
 a solution here, but as mentioned above, this   insufficient stability of the design and issues at   efficiency goes down.

 brings EMC with them. Ensuring reliability and   the feedback loop. To get more insights, the next
 stability, EMC compliance, meeting costs and   step should be measuring the loop response and
 space as well as the ability to connect the T&M   determining phase and gain margin with the help   For More Information
 equipment are the most relevant challenges.  of a Bode Plot. All Siglent X-Series oscilloscopes
 include this functionality and make testing easy
 Another interesting question is: Do we still need to   and affordable. After the design has been opti-    ▶ Testing! Not Guessing! Talk at Power Forum 2020
 measure or can simulation make testing obsolete?   mized and the phase margin has been increased
 Truly, the recent developments and improvements   the result of the load step response looks just as     ▶ GaN and SiC
 on simulation software and models combined with   in the bottom section of the picture (figure 2).

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