Page 31 - PEN Ebook May 2021
P. 31

Power Supply                                                                                    Power Supply

 illustrates at a high level some of the initial con-  ▶   85°C degrees ambient temperature + option-

 siderations to be made. For instance, if the final   al cooling system (-15°C)
 application dictates a need for a higher back-
 up time, then a high impedance solution from   The equation for the requested capacitance is
 KEMET’s FG, FY, FC, FM, and FR series would   given by:
 represent the best place to start.

 Shorter backup time requires low impedance
 and that would mean a different set of solutions,   From this rough calculation, you would need a
 primarily from the FA, FE, FS, FT, and FM family   supercapacitor with a capacitance of around 0.1F.

 of products. Alternatively, if the key application   However, there are additional parameters that
 requirement was high power, then a very spe-  would need to be considered. These include a
 cific range such as HV Series would provide the   full range of parasitic effects such as R series -
 answer. These are important considerations from   DC resistance and ESR; self-discharge character-
 the outset, though, before additional thought is   istics; leakage current and ambient temperature.
 applied.  In each case, KEMET can help design engineers
 calculate the impact of these parasitic effects to

 In addition to backup time, a more comprehen-  establish more accurate product selection.
 sive list of parameters that need to be defined
 before choosing a supercapacitor could also in-  Furthermore, it is important to remember the
 clude required minimum and maximum operating   ‘life estimation’ of the supercapacitor (Figure
 voltage; operating temperature; required dimen-  4). End of life is defined as the point at which
 sions; and mounting type (surface or through-  capacitance is reduced to 70% of the initial value.
 hole). Then, with these details to hand, a rela-  Typically, the lifetime of supercapacitors at an
 tively simple formula can be applied to enable   ambient temperature of 25-degree C would be
 the rough calculation of the capacitance needed   ten years. However, high-temperature load life

 for the task at hand.  tests show that this is reduced by half with an
 increase of 10-degree C.
 As an example of the calculation process, in the
 project example below the customer needs a   So, in many cases, if the supercapacitor is need-
 supercapacitor that will be able to withstand 150   ed for a high-temperature application, it needs to
 hours of backup time under the following condi-  be cooled to reduce the ambient temperature to
 tions:  increase the life expectancy. An informed judg-

 ment call needs to be made here, though: for
 ▶   V min  (minimum operating voltage) =2.5 V  very high-temperature use-cases, other technol-
 ogies such as lithium battery cells might provide
 ▶   V max  (maximum operating voltage) = 5.5 V  a better answer.

 ▶   I backup  (required back up current) = 540nA

 ▶   requested back up time T > 150 hours,

          Figure 4: Lifetime of supercapacitors.

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