Page 28 - PEN Ebook May 2021
P. 28

Power Supply                                                                                                                                                                                                  Power Supply

                                                               desorption of ions in the electrolyte contained

                                                               between its electrodes.

                                                               These processes are much quicker than the
                                                               chemical reactions that would be found in bat-
                                                               tery charging. With supercapacitors having a
                                                               low internal resistance, the device can be fully
                                                               charged within a few seconds, whereas a lithium
                                                               coin cell used in a secondary battery application
                                                               could take anywhere betweenfrom ten minutes

                                                               to several hours to be fully charged due to far
                                                               higher resistance. Also, there is no theoretical
                                                               limit to cycle life, whereas a lithium-ion second-
                                                               ary cell has a finite lifetime of approximately 500

          Figure 1: The internal workings of a supercapacitor.
                                                               Recent advancements in carbon-based materi-
          SUPERCAPACITOR                                       als mean porous electrodes can be designed to
          FUNDAMENTALS                                         have a large surface area which results in a high

          Firstly, in terms of how they work, many super-      capacitance value and small external dimensions.
          capacitors use what is known as the Electric         Supercapacitor construction using aqueous elec-                   Figure 3: Performance for selection.
          Double-Layer Capacitor (EDLC) layout featuring       trolytes are inherently conductive, come with a
          two electrodes that are often coated in a car-       low environmental impact and offer non-flam-                      stability (Figure 2). This also means supercapac-    Things-based devices, smart utility meters, or
          bon-based porous material, andmaterial and           mable characteristics, and this yields excellent                  itors are essentially maintenance-free, whereas      medical equipment, through to automotive elec-
          separated by an electrolyte that is itself divided   performance and strong safety credentials.                        lithium coin cells need replacing, with regularity   tronics and industrial computing for advanced
          by a membrane (Figure 1). While batteries rely on                                                                      depending on the specific application.               automation.

          a chemical reaction, the supercapacitor is differ-   Typically speaking, they also have greater re-
          ent in that it stores and releases energy very rap-  sistance to moisture absorption than organic                      In terms of energy density, supercapacitors are      Typical applications include taking over the sys-
          idly through a process of physical adsorption and    compounds, resulting in a longer life with better                 usually rated at 0.5 to 5 Wh/kg, compared to 30      tem’s real-time clock or volatile memory when
                                                                                                                                 to 270 Wh/kg for a lithium coin cell. But super-     the main system power is cut off, such as during
                                                                                                                                 capacitors have a much higher power density,         a power outage or when the main system battery
                                                                                                                                 enabling them to deliver large amounts of energy     has been removed for replacement.
                                                                                                                                 in a very short time. Supercapacitors offer great-

                                                                                                                                 er flexibility in terms of operating temperature
                                                                                                                                 range – typically performing between -40 and         HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT
                                                                                                                                 +85 deg-C, compared to narrower parameters of        SUPERCAPACITOR
                                                                                                                                 -20 to +60 deg-C for the lithium coin cell.          So, those are the fundamentals of supercapaci-
                                                                                                                                                                                      tors and some of the roles they perform. But how
                                                                                                                                 These kinds of performance characteristics mean      do you go about selecting the right device for the
                                                                                                                                 supercapacitors are finding increasing use-cases.    required application?
                                                                                                                                 These include backup power duties in a broad

          Figure 2: High-Reliability Design: Cell Construction Differences between aqueous and organic-based electrolytes.       range of equipment ranging from Internet of          Figure 3 represents a good starting point, as it

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