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            EVALUATING THE INSTRUMENTS TO FIND THE RIGHT FIT FOR                                                                   AspenCore Guide

            As  mentioned  previously,  accuracy  is  one  of the  most  important  considerations when  evaluating                to Gallium Nitride

            instruments for low-voltage measurements. Additionally, features like the fast-sampling rate capture
            data  for  dynamic  signals.  Beyond  that,  additional  channels  provide  the  adaptability  to  measure
            multiple power rails. The overall results showed that, although most instruments are equipped for                      A New Era for Power Electronics
            voltage readings, there is a significant variance of accuracy. First, DMMs would be able to accurately
            read active- and low-power modes. Second, the oscilloscope is best-suited for capturing dynamic                        As silicon reaches its theoretical performance limits for power electronics,
            signals due to their high sampling rate. Third, DAQ PXIe-6289 would be sufficient to read active-                      industry is shifting toward wide-bandgap materials like gallium nitride
            power mode but would not be sufficient to measure low-power mode. Finally, PXIe-4309 would be                          (GaN), whose properties provide clear benefits in power converters for
            able to accurately measure both the active- and low-power mode needed in Figure 1.                                     consumer and industrial electronics. This book delves into GaN technology

                                                                                                                                   and its importance for power electronics professionals engaged with its
            Choosing the right tool to measure low power leads to more accurate power validation, which, in                        implementation in power devices.
            turn, enhances product performance. In a market where consumers expect their electronic devices
            to stay powered on longer with a single charge, selecting high-performance instrumentation like the
            PXIe-4309 can help quickly and effectively validate your device’s power consumption. Overall, the                      Foreword: Alex Lidow, CEO of Efficient

            PXIe-4309 analog input module outperforms oscilloscopes and comparable DAQ devices. It even                            Power Conversion (EPC)
            matches the performance of a 7 ½-digit DMM for measuring current on these low-ohm shunt resistors.                     Market Overview: Yole Développement
            With a higher channel count, the PXIe-4309 provides enough measurement density for requirements

            of modern power validation in complex electronic designs.                                                              Technology Analysis: Elena Barbarini, System Plus
                                                                                                                                   Consulting; Filippo Di Giovanni, STMicroelectronics;
                                                                                                                                   Alex Lidow, EPC; Chris Lee, Power Integrations; Dilder
                                                                                                                                   Chowdhury, Nexperia; Stephen Oliver and Dan
                                                                                                                                   Kinzer, Navitas Semiconductor; Stefano Lovati and
                                                                                                                                   Davide Di Gesualdo, EEWeb; Paul Wiener, GaN Systems;
                                                                                                                                   and Professor Alex Q. Huang, Tianxiang Chen, and
                                                                                                                                   Ruiyang Yu, University of Texas at Austin. In addition,
                                                                                                                                   there are reports from Jens Tybo Jensen, Jun Honda,
                                                                                                                                   and Pawan Garg, Infineon Technologies; Max Zafrani,

                                                                                                                                   EPC Space; Kasyap Patel, Wolfspeed, a Cree Company;
                                                                                                                                   Andrea Vinci, Tektronix; and Gerald Deboy,
                                                                                                                                   Infineon Technologies.

                                                                                                                                   Tech papers: Keysight, onsemi, Cadence,
                                                                                                                                   United Monolithic Semiconductors, Transphorm,
            For More Information                                                                                                   Nexperia, and CEA-Leti

                    ▶ Visit NI’s website to learn more.                                                                            ONLINE BOOKSTORE:
                    ▶ To learn more about performing offset nulling, visit NI Digital Multimeters
                   Help (NI-DMM 18.1): Performing Offset Nulling.

                                                                                                                                                   Edited by Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio, Nitin Dahad, EE Times
                                                                                                                                                                    Publisher: AspenCore Media
                                                                                                                                                         Available in PDF and Hard Copy (Limited Edition)
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