Page 25 - PEN_Ebook_December_2021
P. 25

Test&Measurements                                                               TEST&MEASUREMENTS

 SUMMARY    Choosing the Right

 This article explored the challenge of supplying a highly dynamic load with a stable voltage using
 a  power  supply  located  several  feet  away  from  the  device  under  test.  Although  the  load  lead   Hardware Solution for
 impedance can severely degrade the transient response performance of a high-performance power

 supply, with mitigation practices, you can achieve the required performance at the device under
 test. Techniques such as twisting load lead wiring to minimize the loop area formed between the   Low-Power Validation
 supply and return lines, using flat copper, or heavy gauge coaxial cables can significantly reduce
 the load lead inductance. Properly sizing a bypass capacitor network at the device under test can   By David Hall, global go-to-market director; Macarena Calderon, staff content
 further improve voltage-level stability in the face of fast current transients drawn by the device   manager; Mike Denton, chief product planner; and Paul Ulezko, product
 under test.  marketing engineer in the semiconductor business unit, all at NI

            In  an  increasingly  connected  world,  electronic  devices  are  becoming  smarter,  and  the  balance
            between battery performance and longevity has never been more important. A “low battery” alert

            creates a significant inconvenience regardless of the application. From wireless headphones at the
            gym to digital grocery lists on smartphones, consumers rely on battery-powered devices every day.
            What’s more, they expect these devices to stay powered on longer with a single charge. This means
            that engineers are consistently challenged with maximizing their electronics’ battery life.

            One  of the  main  requirements for  extended  battery  life  is  being  able to  accurately  measure the

 For More Information  device’s total power consumption. The main challenge lies in the fact that the total load power is not
            limited to power-on and a steady-state operation but requires measurements in multiple operating
            states. Low-power conditions like sleep and transient states can generate incorrect data readings
   ▶ Keysight’s Optimize Power Source Integrity Under Large Load Transients   due to the low voltages that need to be measured, often in the nanovolt (nV) range. Additionally,
 application note  some power events can last for short periods of time. This means that, in addition to needing highly
            accurate measurement instruments, having fast sampling rates is also a key consideration.

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