Page 25 - PEN eBook October2023
P. 25



            Semi-Trucks Increase

            Safety, Efficiency

            By Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio, editor-in-chief of Power Electronics News

            The future of goods transportation is being transformed by self-driving technology developed by
            Kodiak Robotics. Founded in 2018, the company has been working toward developing innovative
            solutions that help businesses transport goods more efficiently and safely.

            Kodiak Robotics has developed self-driving systems for semi-trucks (Figure 1), enabling them to
            operate safely on highways without requiring a human driver. The company uses various technologies,
            including radar, LiDAR and artificial intelligence, to develop cutting-edge autonomous systems.

            Kodiak is trying to spread the adoption of self-driving technology, which it believes will ultimately
            save lives and enhance the quality of life of truck drivers. There is an ongoing shortage of qualified

            truck drivers today. The average American truck driver is about 48 years old, and for long-haul
            truckers, the average age is even higher. Fewer people are choosing trucking as a career because of
            the long, fatiguing hours on the road and the pressure to deliver. Kodiak’s vision is to bring relief to
            drivers and redirect the industry onto a better path.

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