Page 20 - PEN eBook October2023
P. 20


            Power Electronics

            Simulation Accelerates

            SMPS Development

            By Stefano Lovati, contributing writer for Power Electronics News

            In power-conversion circuits, such as converters, inverters and switching power supplies,  the
            operating frequency has increased considerably, thanks in part to the introduction of wide-bandgap
            components like silicon carbide and gallium nitride.

            While this allows for signals with very short rise and fall times and consequent improvement in

            efficiency, it has also increased the effect of printed-circuit–board (PCB) parasitics brought about
            by the high di/dt value. The number of devices on a PCB has also increased in density due to
            advancements in semiconductor technology. This rise in density and decreased available space has
            made parasitics more important when designing PCBs. Inductive, capacitive or resistive parasitics
            are all possible.

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