Page 23 - PEN eBook October2023
P. 23


            Optimizing DCM

            PFC to Provide High

            Efficiency Across Load and

            Shrink Power Components

            By Andrew Smith, director of technical outreach at Power Integrations

            USB-PD chargers are getting smaller. Various techniques have been employed to reduce their size,
            yet  certain  power  components—specifically, the  boost  inductor,  boost  diode  and  integrated  boost
            switch—remain stubbornly space-consuming. A new IC, used in boost power-factor–correction (PFC)
            topology designs, addresses this issue.

            Typical boost PFC circuits fall into one of three categories, depending on how current flows in the
            boost inductor during each switching cycle: discontinuous-conduction mode (DCM), critical mode (CrM,
            sometimes referred to as boundary mode) and continuous-conduction mode (CCM). The basic circuit
            is the same for each mode of operation: A boost inductor stores energy when a power switch is turned
            on, and this is transferred to the output via a boost diode when the boost MOSFET turns off. Input

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