Page 29 - PEN eBook October2023
P. 29


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            Stanford and UC Berkeley                           TI announces new Hall-effect
            collaborate on space-based                         current sensor and a portfolio of

            production of superior graphene                    current shunt monitors
                                                               Texas Instruments has introduced new current
            The International Space Station (ISS) Nation-      sensors to facilitate and improve the accuracy
            al Laboratory is being utilized by a team of       of engineers’ designs. The new products include
            researchers from Stanford University and the       an isolated Hall-effect current sensor with the
            University of California, Berkeley to produce      lowest deviation for high-voltage systems and a
            graphene aerogel of superior...                    portfolio of current...

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            Siemens announces the                              Silanna Semiconductor
            acquisition of Heliox, a specialist                announces DC/DC converter

            in e-Bus and e-Truck fast                          evaluation board for 100W fast
            charging solutions                                 charger design

            Siemens has agreed to acquire Heliox, a Dutch      Silanna Semiconductor has introduced an
            leader in fast charging solutions for e-Bus and    evaluation board that enables engineers to
            e-Truck fleets as well as passenger vehicles.      rapidly develop and evaluate 100 W end-
                                                               to-end fast charging applications based on
            The acquisition will augment Siemens’ existing     the company’s CO2 Smart Power™ family of
            eMobility charging portfolio by adding products    wide-voltage, high-frequency point-of-load
            and solutions for eBus and eTruck...               converters.

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