Page 22 - PEN eBook October2023
P. 22


            Silicon Never Fails to

            Surprise: The Case

            for Superjunction


            By Filippo Di Giovanni, director of strategic marketing, innovation and key
            programs for the power transistor subgroup at STMicroelectronics

            In  the last  few  years,  the semiconductor power market has experienced increasing interest in
            adopting wide-bandgap (WBG) power devices like silicon carbide and gallium nitride. Especially
            in SiC, STMicroelectronics has raced to undisputed global leadership via early entry and customer
            success in electric vehicles. Moreover, the need for increasingly efficient products from the industrial

            sector will continue to propel the market. Interestingly, while much of the industry’s excitement
            has focused on success in these emerging technologies, ST has continued to innovate and invest
            in advanced, high-voltage, silicon-based power MOSFETs using its high-voltage (i.e., above 250 V)
            proprietary technology called MDmesh, where “MD” stands for “multiple drain” and “mesh” refers
            to its specific horizontal structure.

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