Page 16 - PEN eBook October2023
P. 16


            GaN Components

            Utilized in Pre-Sizing a

            Modular High-Power

            DC/DC Converter

            By Saumitra Jagdale, contributing writer for Power Electronics News

            Recent  trends  in  engineering  aircraft  are  shifting  toward  a  more  electric  aircraft  (MEA)
            paradigm—increasing  the use of electric energy over pneumatic and hydraulic energies  to power
            on-board systems. Implementation of MEA has some undeniable advantages, such as energy efficiency
            and low-cost maintenance, which are imminent to see from its increasing implementation in recent
            aircraft like the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 787. To incorporate the same, significant revisions to the

            electric power supply architecture are inevitable to ensure the best performance.

            The electric power architecture is based on multiple on-board grids, both interconnected and
            galvanically isolated. Also, there are two network voltage levels: a 28-VDC standard low-voltage DC
            (LVDC) bus to power the control devices and a 270-VDC/540-VDC high-voltage DC (HVDC) bus for power
            actuators. Power conversion is key to the implementation of a more electric approach, outlining the
            quantifiable benefits of switching from a single converter based on directly adapted components to a

            multi-converter structure adopting the most appropriate components to achieve a given specification.

            Major challenges when it comes to MEA are developing smaller and lighter electric power systems;
            hence,  the architecture is  to be centered around power density and power-to-weight ratio.
            According to the literature, wide-bandgap technologies can be credited to achieving up to a 2-kW/kg

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