Page 12 - PEN eBook October2023
P. 12

Cover Story — Design

                                                                               must be chosen  to increase
                                                                               the charge capacity and
                                                                               decrease the charging periods

                                                                               without increasing the battery
                                                                               temperature or compromising
                                                                               the battery life.

                                                                               Implementing a multistage
                                                                               CC battery-charging algorithm
                                                                               provides better utilization of
                                                                               the battery capacity. Once
                                                                               the battery  voltage reaches

                                                                               the  specified  cutoff  voltage,
            Figure 5: Multistage constant-current battery-charging profile for a five-cell   the charging current can be
            10-Ah Li-ion battery
                                                                               reduced by 40%, 20% and 6%
                                                                               (this percentage of current
            steps can be customized) of the rated current, respectively, when the terminal voltage reaches the
            specified cutoff voltage.

            EZ-PD™ PMG1-B1 also supports a smart-charging algorithm in which the MCU calculates the input
            power available from the USB-C adapters, then periodically measures the battery output voltage
            and dynamically updates the battery-charging current. This enables maximum utilization of the
            available input USB-C power. Figure 5 shows an EZ-PD™ PMG1-B1–based multistage battery-charging
            profile of a five-cell lithium-ion battery with support for the smart-charging algorithm. Notice the
            battery current is periodically
            updated as  the measured
            battery voltage increases.

            MIXED CC- & CV-
            MODE CHARGING

            In  this  method,  the  charging
            starts  with CC mode, and
            when the  battery terminal
            voltage reaches the maximum

            safe threshold  value, the
            charging  mode transfers to
            the CV charging method.
            The    charging   process   is
            completed when the charging       Figure 6: CC- and CV-mode charging profile for a five-cell 10-Ah Li-ion

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