Page 9 - EETimes Europe June 2021
P. 9

EE|Times EUROPE   9

                                  How Excellent MEMS Microphones Turn Laptops into Communication Systems

           Figure 5: All building blocks contribute to the self-noise of a microphone.

           of –26 dBFS. Two sets of data were    of the laptop as a conference device over long   develops and produces all three building
           compared: audio picked up by the built-in   distances, whereas the current built-in micro-  blocks itself; thus, the company can easily
           microphones and audio picked up by h   phones do not pick up voice in good quality   identify this combination.
           igh-SNR microphones. Both datasets were   under those conditions. For distances of about   Infineon continuously applies its expe-
           processed by a standard voice-over-IP    5 meters, this translates to a quality improve-  rience and know-how to bring even better
           program used for calls.             ment of over 30%. It makes the laptop suited   microphones to the market. The latest port-
                                               for bigger meeting rooms and gives the user a   folio additions are the XENSIV™ IM73A135
           HIGH-SNR MICROPHONE LEADS TO        greater range of movement.          and the IM69D127, which use Infineon’s
           BETTER VOICE COMMUNICATION            It’s clear that the quality of the microphone   patented Sealed Dual Membrane (SDM) tech-
           Figure 4 shows the MOS results comparing   is crucial for excellent speech transmission.   nology. Both feature excellent AOP
           the laptop and the high-SNR microphone,   But how can better MEMS microphones be   (135 and 127 dB SPL, respectively) and
           i.e., IM69D120. It can be clearly seen that the   achieved? To get to the bottom of this, let’s first   SNR (73 and 69 dB, respectively). Both
           high-SNR microphone provides significantly   look at the components of a MEMS microphone.  microphones are well-suited for com-
           higher performance for voice communication                              munication devices and earphones with
           than the built-in microphone. For normal or   BUILDING BLOCKS OF A MEMS   audio-critical functionalities such as ANC
           quiet speech, a microphone with higher SNR   MICROPHONE                 and transparent hearing. With its small
           improves the perceived speech quality from   A MEMS microphone essentially consists   footprint of 3.6 mm × 2.5 mm × 1 mm, the
           fair to good or from good to excellent.  of three building blocks: First, the actual   IM69D127 is especially suited for size-
             The tests were performed for three scenar-  sensing element, the name-giving microelec-  constrained applications like earbuds.
           ios, in all of which the high-SNR microphone   tromechanical system. Sound waves move a
           showed superior performance. In the close   membrane, which forms a capacitor with the   CONCLUSION
           scenario, the speaker is less than 1 meter away   backplate. The resulting changes in capac-  The latest MEMS technology brings
           from his/her device. The better microphone   itance generate the electrical signal. The   studio-level audio performance to
           results in better call quality, reduces the need   second building block, the ASIC, contains the   consumer devices. Infineon has been able
           for a headset, and gets rid of the “you sound so   charge pump for the membrane, the amplifier   to demonstrate in experiments that the
           far away” effect.                   stages, an LDO for clean power supply,   audio quality of a device, such as a laptop,
             For distances between 1 and 3 meters,   and the calibration logic. These parts are   can be significantly improved by using
           high-SNR microphones “free” the user from   integrated together into the third building   better microphones. The company’s new
           the desk. They showed an overall speech   block, the package. The package protects the   XENSIV™ IM73A135 and IM69D127 MEMS
           quality improvement of over 15%. The   component, shields it (EMI), and forms an   microphones enable customers to take their
           speaker can stand up and move around while   acoustical back volume.    devices to the next level of audio quality.
           on a call. It allows for a more flexible posi-  Because all three building blocks of the   In the coming quarters, Infineon is work-
           tioning of the laptop on the desk, e.g., beside   MEMS have a strong influence on perfor-  ing on new digital and analog microphones
           an external screen.                 mance (Figure 5), the optimal combination   that will push the limits of small size and
             High-SNR microphones even enable the use   must be found for each application. Infineon   high SNR even further. ■

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