Page 7 - EETimes Europe June 2021
P. 7

EE|Times EUROPE   7

                                  How Excellent MEMS Microphones Turn Laptops into Communication Systems

           Figure 2: Setup of the POLQA test. An artificial mouth (A) is placed at the same height as the laptop mic (B) that is positioned on the top
           part of the front bezel above the screen and next to the camera module. The laptop is placed at a fixed distance of 1 meter (C) from the
           artificial mouth. Distances above 1 meter are simulated based on inverse square law. The laptop has a VoIP connection (D) to another
           laptop (E) outside the anechoic chamber. The outer laptop (E) also works as a transmitter to the artificial mouth over a wired channel (F).
           The block diagram in Figure 3 explains the signal flow in much more detail.

           small and mass-produced with very tight   a standard reference signal. All elements of   and recordings even at longer distances. A
           manufacturing tolerances — this is offered by   the microphone (MEMS, ASIC, package, and   larger SNR is thus required.
           MEMS technology. Until now, designers had to   sound ports) contribute to the self-noise.  The total harmonic distortion refers to
           find a tradeoff between size and performance.  The SNR is relevant, for example, when   the harmonics of an input signal that are not
                                               it comes to detecting sounds/voices from a   present in the input signal itself. The acous-
           CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROPHONES      greater distance. The sound level is halved at   tic overload point (AOP) is defined as the
           But how do you describe the performance   twice the distance, so the input signal also   point where the distortions reach 10%: The
           characteristics of a microphone qualitatively?   decreases. Sound channel, room conditions,   signal is too loud for the microphone and
           First, there is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),   and system design cause further signal   artifacts/clipping noises are present in the
           which describes the difference between the   losses. A good microphone is required to cap-  output. The AOP thus denotes the maximum
           inherent self-noise of the microphone and   ture input for voice commands, algorithms,   volume that the microphone can handle.

           Figure 3: Block diagram detailing the POLQA test

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