Page 14 - EETimes Europe June 2021
P. 14

14 EE|Times EUROPE

            BEYOND 5G, TOWARD 6G
           Testing Times for 5G Network Synchronization

           By John Walko

                   ne of the most important functions
                   of a radio network system is syn-
                   chronization. With the advent of
          O5G, both synchronization and the
           related issue of precise timing have become
           critical considerations, mainly because the
           latest generation of cellular relies on time-
           division duplexing (TDD) radio technology.
             Synchronization refers to the time-
           accuracy requirements that must be enforced
           among different radio components within
           a network to ensure and maintain reliable
           transmission. The key issue is that if the radio
           clock of a communications network loses
           synchronization accuracy — or the radios are
           not synchronized — in a TDD channel, fram-
           ing will drift outside of the guard period and
           interfere with adjacent cell sites.
             One solution to avoid this is to equip all
           base stations with a common phase clock
           reference.                          Timing and sync requirements across a 5G NR network (Source: Viavi Solutions)
             Different timing synchronization tech-
           niques are available to ensure that all the   both transmitter and receiver use the same   3GPP Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communi-
           radio units in a network are synchronized and   frequency but transmit and receive traffic   cations (URLCC) protocol. Typical examples
           allow the scheduler at the base stations to   at different times, using synchronized time   include IoT devices, machines on a factory
           ensure that interference is minimized.   intervals. TDD allows for improved spectral   floor, connected cars, and robotics.
             “The thing is, with wireless communica-  efficiencies but brings synchronization and   On the transport side, for 4G LTE, the
           tions, the receiver has no prior knowledge of   timing challenges. Because downlink and   industry currently relies on the Common
           the channel or propagation delay associated   uplink share the same spectrum, tough timing   Public Radio Interface (CPRI), a synchronous
           with the transmitted signal,” Kashif Hussain,   restrictions are necessarily imposed on a TDD   fronthaul interface that enforces stringent
           wireless solutions director at network testing   system to avoid interference.  delay requirements, which are fine for central-
           and monitoring specialist at Viavi Solutions   To mitigate such interference, all base   ization but create challenges when it comes to
                              (Scottsdale,     stations in a network need to be synchronized   bandwidth and node flexibility. This may not
                              Arizona), told EE   with a common phase clock reference signal,   necessarily be practical for all such use cases.
                              Times Europe.    noted Hussain. According to the guidelines   The interface provides a dedicated transport
                              “And typical     of the ITU-T standards, both 5G NR TDD and   protocol that was specifically designed to trans-
                              receivers use low-  LTE-DD networks need to be phase-   port radio waveforms between the radio unit
                              cost oscillators to   synchronized to limit the end-to-end time   and the digital unit. In operation, CPRI frames
                              keep the cost of   error to within 1.5 µs — comprising no more   expand with increased radio channel band-
                              devices manage-  than 1.1 µs up to the access point and 0.4 µs   width and the number of antenna elements.
                              able. Inherently,   over the fronthaul to the radio.   “The bottom line is CPRI is not very effi-
                              such oscillators                                     cient in terms of statistical multiplexing and
                              will have a degree   TESTING TIMES                   cannot scale to the demands of 5G, in partic-
           Viavi Solutions’    of rift; thus, the   Another complication in 5G — where TDD is the   ular for massive MIMO and larger bandwidth
           Kashif Hussain     need for timing   only option for the C-band — is that frame and   requirements,” said Hussain.
                              synchronization.”  slot synchronization also needs to be applied to   He added that the required bandwidth and
             Hussain noted that “previous generations   avoid inter-network interference. And, with the   antennas for a typical 5G scenario would push
           of cellular also mandated frequency synchro-  increasing interest in open radio access network   the CPRI bandwidth above 100 Gbits/s. That’s
           nization, mainly to prevent interference when   (Open-RAN) architectures, timing and syn-  one of the reasons that using Ethernet for
           cells overlap. But with 5G, we are dealing   chronization will be even more crucial because   fronthaul and midhaul is so practical, he said.
           with extremely stringent requirements, with   additional delays from open interface network   To improve bandwidth efficiency, 5G NR
           TDD streams in both the uplink and downlink   nodes will need to be considered for seamless   typically uses the new eCPRI protocol, which
           sectors. And to complicate matters, here you   5G services, Hussain cautioned.   is claimed to reduce bandwidth requirements
           are also dealing with MIMO.”          Of course, 5G is not simply about deliver-  tenfold. Equally importantly, unlike its pre-
                                               ing voice and data via enhanced broadband;   decessor, eCPRI is not designed specifically
           TDD CHALLENGES                      the whole point is that it will be needed to   to carry synchronization information; hence,
           TDD offers a full-duplex channel over a   connect and support other demanding and   the need for new synchronization protocols,
           half-duplex communications link. Thus,   emerging use cases and services based on the   such as Precision Time Protocol (PTP), and

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