Page 8 - EETimes Europe June 2021
P. 8


           How Excellent MEMS Microphones Turn Laptops into Communication Systems

                                                                                                                      IMAGE: SHUTTERSTOCK

             The first smartphones used electret con-  LAPTOPS AS CONFERENCE SYSTEMS  conversation. A high AOP gives an undistorted
           denser microphones with about 60 dB SNR   Like smartphones, conference systems or   input, even in the loudest surroundings. With
           and an approximately 10 mm diameter. Later,   smart speakers also use MEMS microphones   tight mic-to-mic matching, the performance
           smaller MEMS microphones became more   to pick up voice signals. However, the   of beamforming algorithms is improved.
           prevalent. Finally, in 2018, Infineon launched   requirements for these applications are even   But just in the last year, the pandemic
           the XENSIV™ IM69D130 MEMS microphone   higher. These microphones must deliver low   has led to more and more standard laptops
           with 69 dB SNR, setting a new performance   self-noise for natural sound — similar to that   being used as conferencing systems. However,
           benchmark in audio.                 a user would experience in a face-to-face   today’s built-in microphones fall short of the
                                                                                   expected sound quality and experience. Users
                                                                                   don’t want to wear headsets all day. Nor do
                                                                                   they want to constantly lean over their device
                                                                                   to be understood. Instead, they may even
                                                                                   want to get up during a conversation to move
                                                                                   around and still be heard.
                                                                                     Of course, the sound is determined by
                                                                                   several factors. For example, as mentioned
                                                                                   above, various software algorithms are
                                                                                   used that could have an influence on audio
                                                                                   quality. Infineon engineers therefore wanted
                                                                                   to find out how big a role the microphone
                                                                                   actually plays.
                                                                                     For this purpose, the test setup shown in
                                                                                   Figures 2 and 3 was utilized. A loudspeaker
                                                                                   (“artificial mouth”) plays back real speech,
                                                                                   which is picked up by the microphone in the
                                                                                   device under test (DUT) laptop. The DUT
                                                                                   processes the recording and transmits it to
                                                                                   a reference computer. The received data is
                                                                                   compared with the source data.
                                                                                     To objectively evaluate the quality and
                                                                                   intelligibility of the recordings, the analysis
                                                                                   was performed according to the Perceptual
                                                                                   Objective Listening Quality Analysis (POLQA)
                                                                                   standard. The resulting mean opinion score
                                                                                   (MOS) was compared for the laptop’s built-in
                                                                                   standard microphone (<65 dB SNR) and
           Figure 4: Results of the microphone test. The microphones with high SNR achieve a    Infineon’s XENSIV™ IM69D120 (69 dB SNR).
           significantly higher MOS score.                                         Both microphones have the same sensitivity

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