Page 55 - PEN Ebook May 2021
P. 55

Design                                                                              POWER MANAGEMENT


 Finally, who is actually required to make these   Applications are being designed for increasing
 calculations, and which party is responsible? For   reliability requirements under multiple stress
 automotive applications, the AEC-Q100 standard   conditions. This is predominantly driven by the
 provides clarity. In Appendix 7 of Rev. H there is a   automotive industry and industrial application
 flowchart that is applicable for the evaluation for   requirements. Mission profiles are receiving in-
 existing and qualified components (see Figure 4).   creased attention, and are required to match the
 target application’s real-life stressors as closely
 At first, the mission profile for the electronic   as possible. IC manufacturers must then design
 control unit (ECU) is determined by the Tier 1,   devices that can maintain their specified per-

 which must be translated into the mission profile   formance under that anticipated lifetime stress,
 that the component would be subjected to. If the   such as the MPQ8875A-AEC1 and MPQ4572-AEC1
 component exists and has already been qualified,   from MPS. It is always a good idea for Tier 1 de-
 the basic calculation has already been done by   signers and IC creators to team up early in the
 the component manufacturer.   process, and evaluate how the application can
 be designed to best meet the real-life require-
 Figure 1 shows the HTOL qualification that rep-  ments relative to ECU reliability while maximizing

 resents the basic mission profile outlined earlier   cost-effectiveness.
 in this article. With this data and the Arrhenius
 model, the Tier 1 can determine whether or not   How to Choose
 the real-life application mission profile is com-
 parable to the testing conditions. The same is   the Right Power
 true for mission profiles that refer to parameters
          Management Strategy
 other than temperature and voltage stress.

          By Wilfried Dron, CEO of Wisebatt

          Battery life is one of the core challenges in IoT. It   performance gain, cost and form factor. Wilfried
          relies on almost every specification of the de-      Dron, CEO and cofounder at Wisebatt illustrates
          vice (hardware and firmware architecture, size,      these criteria through some of the most common
          environment...). This is why power consumption       power management strategies.
          must be taken into consideration very early in the

          design cycle.                                        To accurately compare these techniques, they
                                                               were implemented to a basic IOT device com-
 For More Information  To start with, it is crucial for engineers to pre-  posed of a microcontroller, a sensor, a radio,

          cisely understand the device’s use case while de-    a linear regulator and a battery. This device’s
          fining its battery life goal. Otherwise, they might   battery life lasts 1h30. It costs around 8 dollars
   ▶ MPS’s MPQ4572-AEC1
          fail to meet market expectations. Then, they can     for one thousand units. The schematics in the
          consider several techniques to optimize its power    following illustrations have been designed with
   ▶ Monolithic Power Systems (MPS)  consumption. Engineers need to observe three   the simulation tool Wisebatt.
          main criteria to select the best suited solution:

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