Page 15 - PEN Ebook May 2021
P. 15

THERMAL MANAGEMENT                                                                     Thermal Management

                                                                                sity in electronic devices has

                                                                                increased significantly. The
                                                                                tendency to reduce the size of
                                                                                the devices has increased ther-
                                                                                mal problems within electronic
                                                                                circuits. Therefore, temperature
                                                                                management in power devices
                                                                                remains an extremely critical

                                                                                Several interfaces between
          Figure 1: Thermal Management Material and Device Market (Source: Market and
          Markets Research))                                                    high-power components gen-
                                                                                erate heat and the heat sinks
          architecture designed, Drako GTE is an EV platform   themselves. Thermal management issues can
          that highlights the difficulties of thermal manage-  arise from the minimal contact areas that are
          ment and thus the importance of new solutions        created between the two surfaces (interface) due
          that can improve performance.                        to micro-scale surface roughness. This reduc-

                                                               es heat conduction across the interface since
                                                               air voids have low thermal conductivity. Surface
 Thermal Management   We're seeing changes in the world of power   irregularity is the main cause of thermal con-
                                                               tact resistance. "The goal of Kulr's solutions is to

 Interfaces from Mars   electronics with the automotive industry moving   increase the contact between the two surfaces
          towards vehicle electrification and the advent of
                                                               and thus decrease the thermal resistance of the
                                                               interface," said Michael Mo.
          5G communications technologies that will ac-
 Perseverance to EV  celerate the growth of cloud computing. These   The temperature changes the reliability and
          applications require more power and thermal

          management solutions or cooling technologies         durability of the electrical and electronic compo-
 By Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio, Editor-in-Chief of Power Electronics News and EEWeb  for batteries and other powertrain systems.  nents. A device malfunction is very often caused

                                                               by a thermal problem. High temperatures not
 Batteries can overheat when pushed to their lim-  a serious public safety concern for electronics   When passing through the conductors and sem-  only make the system work unstable but also
 its. The lack of space and sufficient ventilation   and battery manufacturers, creating a surge in   iconductors electrons produce a lot of heat   reduce the average life of the components, thus
 area in electric vehicles is directing the design   demand for improved battery safety technologies   and negatively affect the final performance of   leading to their deterioration.
 of thermal management towards new solutions,   and thermal management solutions (figure 1).  the circuit. In recent decades, the power den-

 so that the batteries do not overheat and cause
 extreme damage to the entire system. Kulr Tech-  In an interview with Power Electronics News, Mi-
 nology Group is developing, manufacturing, and   chael Mo, Chief Executive Officer at Kulr Technology
 licensing carbon fiber thermal technologies for   Group, highlighted how the company’s carbon-fib-
 batteries and other electronic devices to keep   er technology designed with NASA to regulate the
 them cool.   extreme temperatures of sensitive components in
 space for the Persevarance mission, will be em-
 Lithium battery fire incidents involving hover-  ployed by Drako Motors for a new ultra high perfor-
 boards, smartphones, and electric vehicles are   mance electric supercar. With a 1,200-horsepower

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