Page 17 - PEN Ebook May 2021
P. 17

Thermal Management                                                                     Thermal Management

          support more power, thus ensuring proper dis-        temperature of neighboring cells. Rising tempera-

          sipation and avoiding overheating. “But we have      tures increase the possibility of shorting adjacent
          some challenges to solve: the biggest thing that     cells. "Hydra aims to prevent the temperatures
          the consumer world is looking for is the price to    of neighboring cells from rising above 100 °C and
          be very cost effective, and high thermal conduc-     thus prevent thermal runaway," said Michael Mo.
          tivity performance” said Michael Mo.
                                                               Typically, a thermal runaway is caused by exces-

 Figure 2: carbon fiber material (Source: Kulr)  Michael Mo explained that the FTI solutions family   sive current or a high ambient temperature and is
          specifically includes Alcor and Mizar FTI materials.   developped through several stages: starting at a
 The first precaution to be taken is to adopt and   Carbon fiber can dissipate heat while reducing   He added: “The ALCOR has a density of < 0.7 g/  temperature of about 90-100 °C, the heat gener-

 implement a strategy to disperse the heat of the   size, weight, and manufacturing complexity. Kulr   cm^3, and very low contact pressure to achieve   ated causes organic solvents to rupture, resulting
 electrical and electronic circuits. The heat trans-  has developed a proprietary manufacturing tech-  low thermal impedance. The MIZAR FTI increas-  in the release of gas and increasing the pressure
 fer efficiency of the heat sinks is linked to the   nology that organizes 5 to 10-micron carbon fiber   es power densities of a board layout and relieves   inside the cells. Despite this, the gas does not
 thermal resistance between the heat sink and   strands onto a base material in a way that looks   mechanical stress — resulting in an overall in-  ignite due to the lack of oxygen. If, however, the
 the ambient space. It measures the ability of a   and feels like black velvet.   crease in thermal stability and reliability”.  temperature continues to rise, exceeding 135 °C,
 material to dissipate heat. An ideal heat sink ma-            the separator melts and causes a short circuit
 terial must have high thermal conductivity, low   With the ability to produce 1,800 continuous amps   ARA is another solution from Kulr aimed at solv-  between the anode and cathode, leading to the

 thermal expansion coefficient, low density, and   and 2,200 peak amps, the battery in Drako GTE   ing thermal management problems in the aero-  rupture of the metal oxide cathode at 200 °C and
 low cost.   is designed to offer megawatt-order power out-  space and defense industry as it has a thermal   releasing oxygen. This allows the electrolyte and
 put and cooling capacity to withstand track-level   capability that has experimentally proven effec-  hydrogen gas to burn.
 The quantity of heat depends on the power and   sports performance on various world circuits.   tive over a small temperature range. It finds use
 on circuit design. The optimal arrangement of the   in systems with a large amount of computing   As part of battery testing, Kulr developed the
 electronic component on a circuit should provide   Michael Mo pointed out that producing an elec-  power in short time intervals. Michael Mo said   LYRA internal short circuit (ISC) trigger cell to
 for excellent air circulation and intelligent place-  tric supercar needs to involve extreme power   they developed a proprietary high thermal con-  identify a cell's failure conditions to study the
 ment of the parts, taking into consideration the   and, by maintaining limited space for heat sinks,   ductivity fiber core material to deliver a good   failure modes and safety issues that could arise
 specifications of the electrical circuit.  the thermal interface has its importance. Bringing   performance required by space.  within battery packs.

 the technology used in space environment with
 high temperatures allows the electric transport   HYDRA is another solution that acts as a heat   Interest in battery electric vehicles is stead-
 THERMAL   sink for lithium-ion batteries and prevents the     ily increasing. The real challenge is to make
 INTERFACE   thermal runaway propagation (TRP): an impor-      fast-charging stations available, thus reducing
 MATERIALS  tant parameter in electric vehicles (figure 3). A   battery charging time. This will lead to a signif-

 Kulr is using phase change   short circuit in a battery pack can cause thermal   icant thermal increase in powertrain systems
 material with vertically aligned   runaway and, therefore, the ignition of fire and   resulting in controlled thermal management to

 carbon fibre (carbon fiber   combustion of materials such as to raise the   optimize heat flow.
 thermal interface - FTI) for
 electronics and lithium-ion   For More Information
 batteries to serve the world of
 electric transportation, ener-
 gy storage, battery safety, 5G     ▶ Thermal Management Tutorials
 infrastructure, cloud comput-
 ing, and aerospace and defense     ▶ Kulr Technology
 applications (figure 2).  Figure 3: Example Performance of the HYDRA TRS (Source: Kulr)

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