Page 19 - PEN_Ebook_December_2021
P. 19

SEMICONDUCTORS                                                                             Semiconductors

            Market uptake of GaN-based power devices is growing sharply, driven by demand for increasingly
            efficient solutions in applications including automotive, telecommunications, cloud systems, voltage
            converters, electric vehicles, and more. In this article, we will present some applications of GaN

            that represent not only technological challenges but also, and above all, emerging opportunities for
            expanding markets.

 GaN Technology:

 Challenges and Future


 By Stefano Lovati, technical writer for EEWeb
            Figure 1: Three-phase GaN inverter for high-speed motor drives (Source: Texas Instruments)

 Gallium nitride (GaN) is a wide-bandgap semiconductor whose usage in several power electronics   MOTOR DRIVE
 applications  is  continuously  growing. This  is  due to the  exceptional  properties  of this  material,   Thanks to its outstanding properties, GaN has been proposed as a valid alternative to traditional
 which  excels  over  silicon  (Si)  in  terms  of  power  density,  resistance  to  high  temperatures,  and   Si-based MOSFETs and IGBTs in the motor control field. With up to 1,000× the switching frequency

 operation at high switching frequencies.  of silicon, coupled with lower conduction and switching losses, GaN technology provides efficient,
            light,  and  low-footprint  solutions. The  high  switching frequency  (the  switching  speed  of  a  GaN
 Silicon, for a long time the dominant semiconductor in power electronics, has almost reached its   power transistor can reach 100 V/ns) allows engineers to use inductors and capacitors of lower value
 physical limits, steering electronic research toward materials capable of providing greater power   (and, therefore, of smaller size). The low R   reduces the amount of heat produced, improving
 density and better energy efficiency. GaN’s bandgap (3.4 eV) is about 3× higher than that of silicon   energy efficiency and allowing for a more compact size. Compared with Si-based devices, GaN-
 (1.1 eV), providing a higher critical electric field, which, together with a reduced dielectric constant,   based components require capacitors with higher working voltages, capable of handling high dV/dt
 results in a low R   at a given blocking voltage. Compared with silicon (and, to an even greater   transients and with low equivalent series resistance.
 extent, with silicon carbide [SiC]), GaN offers a lower thermal conductivity (about 1.3 W/cmK, versus
 1.5 W/cmK at 300K), requiring careful design of the layout and appropriate packaging techniques   A further advantage offered by GaN is its high breakdown voltage (50–100 V, compared with the
 capable  of  effectively  dissipating  the  heat  developed.  By  replacing  Si-based  devices  with  GaN   typical 5- to 15-V values obtainable with other semiconductors), which allows power devices to
 transistors, engineers can design electronic systems that are smaller, lighter, with less energy loss,   operate at higher input powers and voltages without being damaged. A higher switching frequency
 and less costly.  allows GaN devices to achieve greater bandwidth, and therefore, tighter motor control algorithms

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