Page 12 - PEN_Ebook_December_2021
P. 12

Design                                                                                                                                                                                                          Design

            ERROR DUE TO DISPENSING WITH LINE CHOKE                                                                                                                                                   the  coils.  If  attenuation  of

            It is often tried at the beginning to only use X and Y capacitors to suppress interference in order to                                                                                    40    dB/decade    would   be
            dispense with a common-mode choke. However, this is contrary to the principle of the line filter                                                                                          required  from  each  coil,  the

            of counteracting the interference current by adding a high-impedance filter element. The radio-                                                                                           calculation  should  be  made
            interference voltage using the same filter without common-mode choke has been measured as an                                                                                              with a corner frequency of one-
            experiment. Figure 8 shows the measurement.                                                                                                                                               tenth of the pulse frequency.

                                                                         As    expected,   the   interference                                                                                         The  already-used  X  value  of
                                                                         emission  in  the  lower-frequency                                                                                           the X capacitors can be used
                                                                         range increases strongly without the                      Figure 9: Line filter with WE-CMB and WE-TI HV                     for the calculation of the coil:
                                                                         WE-CMB  line  choke.  At  200  kHz,
                                                                         the  quasi  peak  shows  a  value  of

                                                                         approximately  78  dBµV  and  the
                                                                         average  shows  a  value  of  60  dBµV.
                                                                         The  permissible  interference  level  is
                                                                         exceeded up to 600 kHz both by the                                                                      (Eq. 11)
                                                                         quasi peak as well as by the average
                                                                         measurement. A line filter without a                      As the coils for the differential-mode current are in series, the calculated value is divided by 2. The
                                                                         line choke is inadequate.                                 next larger inductance value of a WE-TI HV would be 470 µH. It should be ensured for the selection
            Figure 8: Radio-interference voltage with line filter without WE-CMB
                                                                                                                                   of a differential-mode coil that its rated current (I ) is far above the rated current of the SMPS input.
            If the differential-mode suppression using the WE-CMB and the X capacitors is not sufficient, an                       RESULT OF THE LINE FILTER
            additional differential-mode filter consisting of two coils connected in series helps. Figure 9 shows                  In conclusion, a line filter for switch-mode power supplies without a common-mode choke is not
            the design.                                                                                                            sufficient. Individual capacitors are not sufficient to completely suppress the interference emission.
                                                                                                                                   Additional longitudinal coils before the line filter help if further suppression of the differential-
            The Würth  Elektronik  coils WE-TI  HV  and WE-PD2  HV  or the WE-SD  series  are  ideally  suitable                   mode interference is required. Using a line filter, all interference levels are below the permissible
            for the differential-mode suppression. The WE-UKW series is recommended in the case of high-                           limit value and the SMPS can pass an EMC test.
            frequency  interference. The Thomson  oscillation  equation  can  be  used  again  here  to  calculate

                                                                                                                                   For More Information

                                                                                                                                           ▶ Application Notes

                                                                                                                                           ▶ REDEXPERT Design Tool

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                                                                                                                                           ▶ Product Catalog

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