Page 10 - EE Times Europe Magazine – November 2023
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10 EE|Times EUROPE

        Intel’s Greg Lavender: ‘We’re Going to Democratize AI’

        for autonomous driving. Automotive will be   deployment at the edge to accelerate edge   natural-language processing.
        the biggest demander of silicon, according to   inferences to make decisions closer to the   For me, there has always been this big
        some analysts.                      application. I think everything from medical,   promise that AI was going to take on a lot of
          The second-biggest driver is wireless—  healthcare, transportation, communications,   human activity. Robotic process automation is
        mobile Wi-Fi as well as 5G and 6G. The   industry and automotive is going to change   the most recent version of this notion. It was
        wireless buildout continues, and that ever-   dramatically in the next five years, not just   adopted, but it didn’t fundamentally change
        increasing bandwidth allows you do more   the next 10 years.            the way businesses operate. I know that from
        things with your applications. You need   But it will be a 10-year run that Intel is   when I was CTO at Citigroup.
        silicon for the communication chips, and you   well-positioned to lead. We have had our
        need it to power the more sophisticated appli-  challenges, and I’ve worked for the last two   Everything is about a systems
        cations on mobile devices.          years and two months to overcome that—to
          The third driver is the cloud and data. Even   get our mojo back. We took back our execution   architecture—not just selling
        before generative AI, there was a grow-  discipline. And we now have a software-   a chip. That’s a fundamental
        ing need to expand cloud computing and   defined attitude and strategy in the company.
        data stored on the cloud. You now see big   We recognize we can’t just sell chips—we have   change … and AI is driving it.
        demand for bigger and faster cloud comput-  to understand how to help customers build
        ing architectures that store and process an   systems of chips and software platforms at   —GREG LAVENDER
        ever-increasing volume of data.     scale that are often horizontally distributed.
          And then the fourth driver is edge com-
        puting services. The internet of things and   EETE: What other challenges must be   We have some impressive results with
        automotive are two big applications that will   overcome to put AI at the edge?  these large language models. But I don’t think
        require edge computing services, where the   Lavender: AI at the edge is where the action   anybody really thinks it’s replacing human
        processing is carried out closer to the user, on   is going to be with regard to secure AI. People   beings. Are the deep cognitive functions of
        a device or in a micro data center.  are spending a million dollars to train a model   humans being mimicked properly? No, they
          There will certainly be huge growth in   and deploy it at the edge, only to have their   are not.
        demand, but we think we have what it takes to   code and data parameters stolen and then   Generative AI is impressive, but it’s differ-
        meet that demand. Take for example, the    sold on the black market. The edge is a com-  ent from artificial general intelligence. I don’t
        18A [process] technology we’re driving. By   pletely unprotected zone vulnerable to people   think we’re there yet.
        2030, we’ll have a trillion transistors on a die.   wanting to hack AI.
        That’s like taking a complete rack of comput-  By running in a confidential computing   EETE: Given the current state of AI, what
        ing power and squeezing it down into a chip.  environment, which is Intel’s hardware   is the long game for Intel?
          We also have the chiplet architecture,   Trusted Execution Technology environment,   Lavender: The entire industry wants an alter-
        which gives you a lot of flexibility. We tend   we think we have both the hardware and   native to Nvidia. So we’re going to give the
        to think of them as little CPUs. But in the   software to drive unique capabilities in the   market a choice, and we’re going to democra-
        future, those chiplets will be much more   marketplace. Intel is creating the next inflec-  tize AI.
        powerful than they are today. If you could   tion point, which is confidential computing.   We’re following the same strategy we
        increase the density of transistors and get   This is based on our Sapphire Rapids    started when we created the Intel Developer
        the right power envelope, chiplets will fun-  [4th Gen Xeon Scalable] CPUs, which have   Cloud with the goal of putting our latest,
        damentally change what you can do on any   now exceeded 1 million units sold and   greatest chips onto the cloud to give access
        device. This is a fundamental driver from the   shipped. Another important technology   to startups, ISVs [independent software
        market perspective. It will enable things like   we have is our Trusted Domain Extensions   developers] and anybody else who wanted to
        edge AI.                            capability.                         go kick Sapphire Rapids’ tires before it was
          Now, the question is: How do you manage   This whole confidential computing concept   shipped to our customers. We did the same
        all that stuff? The answer is that it will be   is still nascent, but it’s growing, and we   thing with our GPUs, and now we’re doing it
        through software. We can sell lots of chips,   expect to monetize all that software and   with Gaudi2, the AI chip we got through the
        but you need the software to bring it all   hardware as people converge confidential   Habana acquisition.
        together into integrated systems. Every-  computing, securing code as it runs in mem-  We have a very aggressive roadmap for
        thing is about a systems architecture—not   ory, and AI.                delivering accelerators into the market this
        just selling a chip. That’s a fundamental                               year. Our Gaudi3 processors will soon be
        change—one we’re making at Intel. And AI   EETE: There is a lot of hype about   available for AI acceleration, and then we
        is driving it.                      generative AI. But would you agree that   have a new GPU after Ponte Vecchio—other-
          What’s driving a lot of this change are   there are still some major shortcomings?  wise known as GPU Max—code-named Falcon
        things like Kubernetes and horizontally   Lavender: Absolutely. And that’s why I   Shores. We have a growing customer pipeline
        distributed computing, which is enabled by   think it’s healthy to maintain some level of   and growing customer interest.
        cloud computing. That’s the foundational   skepticism about whether humans are being   We will be supporting AI with cloud at the
        runtime software. AI workloads cannot run   replaced by the latest AI invention.  edge using our rich software stack, which
        on a single CPU or a single GPU. You have to   As a grad student in the mid-’80s, I read   was already available for Xeon and is now
        gang together a bunch of CPUs and GPUs to   a lot of the latest research work on AI. I   available for our accelerators. Ours is a
        process the data and train AI models in less   read all the research that had been done by   software/hardware play that will give the
        than a year—and sometimes in a matter of   Marvin Minsky at MIT; Herb Simon, who won   industry a new type of training platform.
        several hours, depending on the model size.  the Nobel Prize in economics; a lot of the   And Xeon is also a very good inferencing
          Massive amounts of compute power and   work going on at Yale in natural-language   platform.
        energy are going to get consumed training   processing; and Terry Winograd at Stanford.   In the end, you have to show up to play.
        these models, and then you’ll have this wide   Terry Winograd was really the key person in   And that’s what we’re doing. ■

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