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           The Tech-Enabled Future of Surgery

           Remote consultation will reduce the number of in-
           person consultations and the attendant risk of disease
           transmission. It will also enable doctors to consult with
           other physicians, increasing the pool of knowledge and
           experience. Moreover, 5G’s arrival will help improve
           video-streaming clarity and definition to enhance the
           quality of the consultation.
             Artificial intelligence is an essential component of
           effective remote consultations. AI has already been
           applied to analyze medical images, genetic data, and
           patient data to diagnose or predict diseases.
             In April, the U.S. FDA authorized the first medical
           device using AI to help detect colon cancer. In 2020,
           the EU invested in AI to accelerate Covid-19 care,
           while the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)
           started to harness AI for Covid-19 diagnosis, treat-
           ment, and monitoring.
             In other efforts, a team at the University of Oxford
           has developed a rapid AI-driven Covid-19 triage
           method, Siemens is collaborating with partners to
           develop Covid-19 diagnostic tests, and Vocalis has
           obtained European approval for an AI-based voiceprint
           screener that analyzes the words spoken by patients   The Mako SmartRobotics system from Stryker utilizes 3D CT-based planning
           to identify individuals with Covid-19. Given unlimited   technology for hip- and knee-replacement surgeries. (Source: Stryker)
           time, human pathologists make more accurate diag-
           noses than AI algorithms, but a scenario with no time
           constraints is not realistic. Thus, a hybrid model has been proposed in   through a tiny opening and within a small space. Microsurgeries of
           which the AI system would assist doctors in making effective diag-  complex aneurysms, tiny blood vessels, nerves, and eye, ear, and vocal
           noses. In the future, such human-machine partnerships may produce   cord structures are applicable for biopsies, tumor eradication, and
           optimal results.                                      targeted drug delivery. Let us put it in perspective. An inch is 25,400
                                                                 microns, and a human hair is about 70 microns. A human red blood
           REMOTE SURGERY OVER 5G                                cell is about 8 microns wide — one three-thousandths of an inch — and
           Remote surgery can make advanced procedures more accessible for   most of the capillary vessels are only as wide as a red blood cell. There-
           patients who are too sick to travel. And during an infectious-disease   fore, surgeons have to operate with an even smaller field of vision and
           epidemic, remote surgery can help contain the spread of infection by   space during microsurgery.
           minimizing the need for patient transport.              Complex surgeries require a miniaturized, multi-backbone robotic
             During remote operations, robotic arms and imaging equipment at   system with micro-scale motion capabilities that is responsive to
           one location are connected to the monitor in front of the surgeon at a   control. It must also be nimble and precise, like the system recently
           separate location. The 4G network cannot sufficiently support real-time   developed by a team at Vanderbilt University. Precision and a high
           image or video streaming during remote surgery, so the faster and more   degree of responsiveness also characterize a new microrobot system
           stable 5G network will be a significant step forward for implement-  by Microsure, used by Maastricht UMC+, an academic hospital in the
           ing such procedures. And the internet of things will help connect the   Netherlands, to perform a successful microsurgery on the sub-
           physicians, virtual-reality tools, robotic arms, imaging equipment, image   millimeter vessels in the arm of a lymphedema patient.
           processors, data analytics software, and the patient. The result will be a
           3D, immersive, and interactive experience for the physician that enables   WHAT’S NEXT?
           operations to proceed with more ease and precision.   Even before the pandemic, medicine was trending toward remote
             Experiments with remote consultation and remote surgery in a 5G   continuous care for the growing number of patients with chronic
           network are under way. In 2019, the Clinic Hospital in Barcelona, Spain,   illnesses. Covid-19 has accelerated this trend and extended it beyond
           performed the first 5G-enabled remote surgery. Later that year, a surgical   outpatient care to surgery. In the future, such challenges as remov-
           team at the Endoscopy Center at Japan’s Osaka Hospital collaborated   ing blood clots without surgery will be reality rather than the stuff of
           graphically with the Digestive System Department of Spain’s    sci-fi novels. After a remote consultation with the patient, a physician
           Quirónsalud Málaga Hospital, sharing input on how an operation should   could prescribe drugs to break up blood clots or might even perform
           proceed. Around the same time, a Chinese team performed three simul-  catheter-directed thrombolysis — a minimally invasive treatment that
           taneous orthopedic procedures using surgical robots and 5G.  dissolves abnormal blood clots in blood vessels — remotely.
             A note of caution: Even though 5G is superfast, its reliability is an   However, multiple roadblocks exist on the way to executing more
           absolute requirement during the operation. Any IT or system errors will   remote and advanced operations. One hurdle will be to meet the tre-
           put the operation and the well-being of the patient in jeopardy.  mendous demand for 5G network bandwidth, latency, data security, and
                                                                 reliability. Also, the costs of robotic arms and operating room connectiv-
           MICROSURGERY                                          ity must come down. In addition, surgical training must keep up with the
           While minimally invasive surgeries are much more comfortable and   technology’s progress. Finally, further miniaturization of instruments
           safer for patients than traditional procedures generally are, they   and tools is required to enable more flexible and agile operating. ■
           demand far greater precision. A surgeon has to work within a very
           limited field of vision and maneuver surgical tools and a 3D camera   John Koon is a technology writer and an AspenCore contributor.

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