Page 27 - EETimes Europe June 2021
P. 27

EE|Times   EUROPE    27
                                                                                                    EE|Times EUROPE  27
                                                                Synaptics Makes a Natural Progression to Edge AI
                                                                                     A44E_EE TIMES_Euro_2-0625x9-5.qxp_A44.qxd

                                                                                     DC-DC CONVERTERS
                                                                                     DC-DC CONVERTERS
                                                                                       2V to 10,000 VDC Outputs
                                                                                       2V to 10,000 VDC Outputs
                                                                                           1-300 Watt Modules
                                                                                           1-300 Watt Modules
                                                                                          Isolated/Single/Dual Outputs
                                                                                         Isolated/Single/Dual Outputs
                                                                                              High Reliability
                                                                                              High Reliability
                                                                                          Greater than 1,000,000 hrs.
                                                                                          Greater than 1,000,000 hrs.
                                                                                               Mil Hbk 217F
                                                                                               Mil Hbk 217F
                                                                                                   •  •
                                                                                             Military Upgrades
                                                                                             Military Upgrades
                                                                                       Expanded operating temperature
                                                                                        Expanded operating temperature
                                                                                      -55º to +85º C, no derating required
                                                                                      -55º to +85º C, no derating required
           Super resolution using the VS680 AI scaler (Source: Synaptics)
                                                                                                   •  •
                                                                                          Environmental Screening
                                                                                          Environmental Screening
           sensors, and wireless communications, which   The SoC is coupled with Eta Compute’s tool   Selected Screening, Mil Std 883
                                                                                         Selected Screening, Mil Std 883
           are also part of our portfolio,” he said. “If you   chain, which makes it easy for customers to   •  •
           want to run on, for example, four AA batteries   port their networks.              ULTRA Miniature
                                                                                              ULTRA Miniature
           for two years, Katana is a platform that, under   “We gain a great deal of efficiency for the   From 0.5" x 0.5" x 0.2"
                                                                                           From 0.5" x 0.5" x 0.2"
           appropriate use cases and conditions, could   particular networks we have in mind by archi-  •  •
           operate on that kind of time frame.”  tecting our own MPU solutions, so we have   Surface Mount/Thru-Hole
                                                                                          Surface Mount/Thru-Hole
             Worfolk also showcased the more powerful   all the right features in our silicon, and then
                                                                                             • Custom Models
           VS680 multimedia SoC in an AI-based scaling   we add the NPU that is tailored for what we   • US Manufactured
           application. The demo showed how the chip   expect some of those verticals will need and   • AS9100D Approved
           can be used for super-resolution enhance-  make it broad and flexible enough to go into
           ment, upscaling from full HD to 4K using a   adjacent markets,” said Worfolk.   High Reliability AC/DC
           neural-network–based upscaler, which shows   “I suspect that many companies have fairly   Power Supplies, Transformers
           crisper and sharper images than are possible   similar architectures, so it really is a matter   and Inductors
           with a traditional hardware-scaling algorithm.  of sizing the compute engines, the memory,   VISIT OUR EXCITING
             “There is a lot of specsmanship in silicon,   and then the interfaces to the sensors,” he   NEW WEBSITE
           but at the end of the day, you want to know   said. “When you know what neural network
           if your deep neural network runs efficiently   you want to run and the resources it requires,   Featuring our easy-to-use
                                                                                            product Search Wizard!
           or effectively on the device or not,” he said.   you can make sure that you don’t run into any
           “So the goal of the presentation [was] to   bottlenecks. So there is a bunch of co-
           discuss sample applications that can run on   engineering between the very bottom, [which
           Synaptics devices.”                 is] the hardware design; the top, [which is]
             So how do you select the example   the neural-network–model architecture;
           application?                        and then the tools that map that neural-
             “As we do our MRD [market requirements   network–model architecture all the way down
           document] and PRD [product requirements   to running on the hardware. By considering all         CERTIFIED
           document] for the chip, there are particular   those together, that is where you can have a
           applications that we target, those that we   real competitive advantage.”      See PICO’s full line catalog at
           view as flagship applications for the piece of   A lot of companies don’t have their own AI
           silicon, and that drives the demo,” said Wor-  teams, so they are learning about AI even as   YOUR PROVEN SOURCE.
           folk. “We want something that is sufficiently   they look to integrate it into their products,   Over 50 years providing reliable
           challenging to show off the competitive   Worfolk said. To support such companies,   products. Over 2,500 Standard Modules.
           advantages, but we also want a demo that has   Synaptics has partners who can either train or   Pico Representatives
           broad interest and is representative of what   optimize the models or support the tools.  England
           customers might want to do.”          He views partnerships as a way to fill the   Solid State Supplies/Ginsbury
             An example is the people counter for the   company’s gaps, particularly in the IoT space,   Phone: 44 1634 298900 • Fax: 44 1634 290904
           conference room, which shows off the chip’s   where there is a broad range of applications and   Belgium/Luxemburg/France
           ability to run an object-detection network at   customers who do not have expertise in AI. ■  Netherlands/Scandinavia
           relatively low power, Worfolk said.                                               E-mail:
             The Katana SoC is based on the company’s   Gina Roos is editor-in-chief of Electronic   Phone: 32 3 218 20 73 •

           custom NPU architecture and proprietary   Products.                                  Germany
           DSPs. It also includes an off-the-shelf CPU                                   ELBV/Electra Bauemente Vertrieb
           and DSP to make it easy for its customers to   This article originally ran on Electronic   Phone: 49 089 460205442
           run their algorithms on the chip, he said.    Products.                          Fax: 49 089 460205442
                                                                                  | JUNE 2021
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