Page 31 - EETimes Europe June 2021
P. 31
EE|Times EUROPE 31
Shaping the Scene for Vision Standardization
interface standards — such as CameraLink, embedded-vision systems are of great interest bility standards to accelerate market growth
CameraLink HS, CoaXPress, GigE Vision, and to the machine-vision industry and many and reduce development costs in embedded
USB3 Vision — building on its discovery, con- others as well. Most embedded-vision appli- markets using vision and sensor processing
trol, and stream services. GenICam provides cations run on Linux with MIPI cameras and and associated acceleration. All sensor and
a generic programming interface for all types APIs such as V4L2, GStreamer, and further camera manufacturers, silicon vendors, and
of devices and applications. Regardless of the developments like libCamera. software developers working on vision and
interface technology used or the functions These user interfaces, however, do not sensor processing can participate in this
implemented, the application programming always provide sufficient support to address initiative. If the exploratory group reaches
interface (API) is always identical. problems holistically in the machine-vision significant consensus, then EMVA and
These two EMVA-hosted standards have environment. Even if custom extensions are Khronos will work together to initiate the
been adopted internationally, as they ensure provided — for example, in V4L2 — from a proposed standardization initiatives at the
that buyers of machine-vision cameras or user perspective, these may lead to incom- appropriate organization.
software get the image quality of their choice, patible solutions across manufacturers and
with comparable components selected on implementations. STANDARDIZATION SHOULD
the basis of EMVA 1288 criteria, and that the Because of the wide diversity in cam- BENEFIT EVERYONE
image capture for the application is easily and era hardware interfaces, camera APIs, and The emVision standard and the Embedded
reliably working by means of GenICam. possible extensions, it is often the case that Camera API Exploratory Group particularly
one individual driver must be programmed exemplify how the need for a new stan-
NEW STANDARDIZATION INITIATIVES for each camera module that is connected dard is formed by the industry and further
AND COOPERATION to a system-on-chip. With a huge number developed in a joint effort. Clearly, standard-
New standardization projects are reviewed for of potential combinations of modules and ization will remain a highly dynamic process.
their necessity within the G3 by all partici- SoCs, the effort and programming resources All working groups of the machine-vision
pating associations. One of the recent EMVA required can become overwhelming. standards are therefore open to collaboration
initiatives, recognized by the G3, builds on the A major part of these programming costs with other companies. By sending employees
existing EMVA 1288 and GenICam guidelines could be avoided through joint efforts for a to a working group, companies can con-
and attempts to control the interaction of generic user interface, which would lead to tribute their own preferences and ideas to
optics/shutter/mechanics around the camera lower development costs for manufacturers a common specification of a common chal-
so that all lens conditions can also be set and and customers in the embedded arena. The lenge of the industry — an opportunity called
controlled in practice. The EMVA Standard emVision effort is intended to meet those standards development.
Group Open Optics Camera Interface (OOCI) needs. For the EMVA as a hosting association,
therefore aims to create a common standard In response to industry requests, the together with the other G3 partners, the task
— closely tied to GenICam — for lens control, EMVA and The Khronos Group joined forces is to counteract possible market foreclosures
even if the optical elements have different in February 2021 to form an Embedded in order to continue to live up to the idea
mechanical and electrical connections such as Camera API Exploratory Group, open to all of an open and fair market that is inherent
RS-232/I2C/SPI. at no cost, to explore industry interest in the in standardization. However, that does not
The Embedded Vision Interface Standard, creation of open API standards for con- preclude the establishment of royalty or
or emVision, is another EMVA standardization trolling embedded cameras and sensors. All licensing models for the use of an estab-
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initiative. The combination of a processing participants — currently, 60 companies, with lished standard. ■
board with a small camera makes it possible 145 representatives — are able to discuss use
to design a very compact vision system. These cases and requirements for new interopera- Werner Feith is EMVA Standard Manager.