Page 16 - EETimes Europe June 2021
P. 16

16 EE|Times EUROPE

           OPINION | BEYOND 5G, TOWARD 6G                                            But the real breakthrough will come from
                                                                                   considering frequencies beyond 100 GHz. The
                                                                                   large bandwidths available here are of particu-
           Taking 6G KPIs                                                          lar interest with, at first, D-band at about
                                                                                   140 GHz, and later the 300-GHz range. There
           to a New Level                                                          are, of course, major challenges that will call
                                                                                   for technical solutions capable of pushing sil-
                                                                                   icon’s limits. Potential avenues include, again,
           By Jean-Baptiste Doré, 5G program manager, and Eric Mercier,            hybridizing silicon and III-V technologies, with
                                                                                   a goal of achieving transistor F
                                                                                                           = 1 THz, and
           manager of the Telecom & Wireless Unit, CEA-Leti                        co-integrating very small antennas at wafer
                                                                                   scale or in-package.
           LIKE ANY GENERATIONAL ADVANCE in technology, the 5G-6G transition will greatly   Until now, no convergence on these solutions
           improve our ability to meet key performance indicators (KPIs). We’ll have the ability to link    has been found, but some trends are emerging.
           several-orders-of-magnitude–more devices; create zero-latency, zero-energy, ultra-reliable   CEA-Leti teams are considering two specific
           links; perform semantic-enhanced data mining; and seamlessly share knowledge between   aspects. On the transceiver side, to avoid
           humans and machines in support of artificial intelligence and other advanced applications. At   large-bandwidth, power-consuming conversion,
           the same time, however, achieving broad acceptance will require attention to a whole new set   channel bonding/aggregation has attracted
           of KPIs, such as energy efficiency, cybersecurity, and sustainability. As academic and industrial   attention, and 100-Gbps throughput over
           researchers have begun tackling 6G design and engineering tasks, several preliminary directions   16 channels has been demonstrated. On the
           have emerged: exploration of new spectrum horizons, targeting of higher spectral efficiency   antenna side, efforts have focused on a transmit
           through new MIMO schemes, and improvement of the overall environmental footprint.   array utilizing a single transceiver/FEM rather
             The worldwide 5G rollout has resulted in some local states placing stringent limits on electro-  than more classical phase-shifter architectures
           magnetic field (EMF) emissions, impacting network deployment and increasing the complexity   that require one transceiver/FEM per tile.
           of upcoming spectrum use. Because EMF limits are calculated over the entire spectrum, the   Figure 1 compares the average power of a
           envisioned increase in traffic throughput will likely require more efficient spectral-use schemes.  beamforming RF front end assuming 34-dBm
             Recently, distributed massive multiple-input multiple-output (D-MIMO) networks, also   EIRP and 100-mW RF transmitter consump-
           referred to as cell-free MIMO, have gained attention. Unlike the co-located massive-MIMO   tion. This would allow a transmit array with
           approach used in 5G, the D-MIMO scheme involves a cooperative, dense network based on a   26-dBi gain to reach a 7.2-Gbps/2-GHz chan-
           massive deployment of cost- and energy-efficient RF units, which together build a virtual large    nel at 200 meters with a backoff of 6 dB and
           array. This new paradigm promises efficiency gains even at low frequencies; this is hardly possi-  expected power gain of a factor of 2 to 20 for
           ble for co-located MIMO because of the necessary array size. The vision of a distributed network   xHaul or multi-user MIMO use cases.
           would lead to massively digital cells with terminal-like hardware specifications, denoted as an   Another major point of concern lies in
           RF-less architecture. Necessary components include digital front ends, filtering and switching   the digital domain for processing of very
           functions, and power amplifiers with advanced energy-efficient features such as digital pre-   high-throughput data streams. Silicon CMOS
           distortion (DPD) and envelope tracking.                                 node technologies are evolving in response
             Again, a continuum for new spectrum opportunities is being investigated. Spectrum resources   to calls for this type of processing capacity,
           below 6 GHz will still be essential to support wide-range radio coverage, and there may be ways   but they come with higher prices and greater
           to use frequencies currently not considered, between 6 GHz and 24 GHz, to deploy    power dissipation. While this is acceptable
           massive-MIMO base stations. Development will be fueled by continued hybridizing of CMOS and   for backhauling, it is not suitable for edge
           III-V technologies for output power in front-end modules (FEMs).        applications, and optimization work to meet
                                                                                   6G expectations is expected. As with 5G
                                                                                   networks, the use of edge computing and AI
                                                                                   blocks is seen as a key enabler for several stra-
                                                                                   tegic functions: development of ever-more
                                                                                   complex wireless networks, reduction in data
                                                                                   traffic through edge processing, and enhance-
                                                                                   ment of signal-processing algorithms for
                                                                                   channel estimation, the beamforming process,
                                                                                   DPD, and optimization of RF settings.
                                                                                     Finally, there are the emerging KPIs asso-
                                                                                   ciated with sustainability and environmental
                                                                                   impact. A primary concern, energy efficiency,
                                                                                   is addressed in 5G by avoiding useless
                                                                                   resources when capacity exceeds the momen-
                                                                                   tary and local actual need. 6G promises to
                                                                                   advance this in several ways in anticipation
                                                                                   of the envisioned exponential traffic growth.
                                                                                   The use of AI to manage network power
                                                                                   consumption and load is being studied, as
                                                                                   are the impacts on equipment life cycles, as
                                                                                   well as novel mechanisms such as reconfigu-
                                                                                   rable intelligent surfaces and new MIMOs for
           Figure 1: Average power consumption of a transmit array architecture and a classical an-  limiting the impact of EMF radiation on both
           tenna array. The photo shows a 300-GHz transmit array with 26-dBi gain. (Source: CEA-Leti)  intended and non-intended recipients. ■

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