Page 4 - PEN eBook October2023
P. 4


             VIEWPOINT                                         SMART ENERGY

              Reducing the Complexity of Power                  How Will LA Achieve a 100%
              Systems                           3               Renewable-Energy Power System
                                                                by 2045?                           48
             COVER STORY — DESIGN
              Simplified Battery-Charging System for
              Portable Devices Using                            Self-Driving Semi-Trucks Increase
              USB-C PD                          6               Safety, Efficiency                 52

             SEMICONDUCTOR                                     SEMICONDUCTOR

              GaN Components Utilized in Pre-Sizing             How SiC Can Enable Next-Gen
              a Modular High-Power                              Solid-State Circuit Breakers       56
              DC/DC Converter                   16             SEMICONDUCTOR

             POWER SUPPLY                                       The State of GaN Adoption          60

              How to Prototype a Power Bank Charger            DESIGN
              Without Building Dedicated
              Hardware                          22              Recyclable PCBs Drive Pathway
                                                                Toward E-Waste Reduction           63
             TEST & MEASUREMENT
              Power Electronics Simulation
              Accelerates SMPS                                  Stanford and UC Berkeley collaborate
              Development                       30              on space-based production of superior
                                                                graphene aerogel                   67
                                                                TI announces new Hall-effect current
              Silicon Never Fails to Surprise: The Case
              for Superjunction MDmesh          38              sensor and a portfolio of current shunt
                                                                monitors                           67
                                                                Siemens announces the acquisition of
              Optimizing DCM PFC to Provide High                Heliox, a specialist in e-Bus and e-Truck
              Efficiency Across Load and Shrink Power           fast charging solutions            67
              Components                        42
                                                                Silanna Semiconductor announces
                                                                DC/DC converter evaluation board for
                                                                100W fast charger design           67

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