Page 9 - PEN eBook July 2023
P. 9

Cover Story — Design

            Two load states are very common:

             ▶   Light  load,  in which  the  application  operates  in  idle  or  standby  mode  (reduced  energy

             ▶   Full  load,  in  which  the  application  operates  under  nominal  conditions  (normal  energy

            What would be the best switching behavior for each load condition? If the two characteristics
            mentioned are related to a DC/DC power module, that means little or no switching takes place at
            light loads and switching is responsible for most of the losses. In order to realize this, adaptive
            switching  behavior  is  needed,  i.e.,  two  modes  with  different  switching  behavior  and  a  system
            intelligent enough to transition between modes based on the load demands.

            In Figure 3 (left), we can see the “typical” behavior that we expect from standard buck converters
            operating in pulse-width–modulation (PWM) mode. A variable pulse width will be generated while
            the switching frequency remains fixed. T  is the same for all cycles. PWM mode is widely used, and
            this mode is present in most industrial power supplies. This mode is satisfactory for these types
            of applications, as they work in heavy load conditions for the majority of their operating lifetime.

            However, applications like sensors have a different load behavior. Here, the light-load condition
            is  the  predominant  operating  situation.  Therefore,  the  switching  behavior  must  be  adapted  to
            perform optimally during this load situation. With pulse-frequency–modulation (PFM) mode, the
            frequency varies. If we compare PWM mode and PFM mode, shown in Figure 3 (right), then it is
            obvious that PFM mode offers higher efficiency values, as there is less switching in a given time
            period and therefore decreased switching losses. During the idle time in PFM mode, the module
            produces no losses compared with PWM mode.

            Figure 3: Different switching behavior under different load conditions—PWM mode under full load (left) and PFM mode
            under light load (right)

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