Page 37 - EE Times Europe Magazine – November 2023
P. 37

EE|Times EUROPE   37

                                                  What’s Happening in the World of Micro-Energy Harvesting?

        IoT DEVICES
        The micro-energy–harvesting technolo-
        gies best suited to powering IoT devices
        are photovoltaic (PV) cells; piezoelectric or
        electrostatic converters, which harvest energy
        from vibration; and Peltier thermoelectric
        harvesters, which convert temperature gradi-
        ents into electrical energy.
          The power density of these sources ranges
        from about 100 mW/cm  for outdoor solar
        to 10 mW/cm  for a thermoelectric gener-
        ator (TEG). The electrical characteristics
        of the different harvesters vary widely. For
        example, TEGs have low-impedance outputs,
        producing continuous DC at a low voltage.
        PV cells are similar, but the current, and
        hence the impedance, varies with the level
        of incident light. Piezoelectric harvesters
        deliver shorter bursts of energy and usually   Designed to help engineers quickly evaluate energy from several harvesting sources, the
        at higher voltages than their TEG and PV   demonstration platform shown comprises two PV harvesters, a piezoelectric harvester
        counterparts.                       with a DC motor to generate vibration for it, two TEGs, and a heater and heatsinks to
          This has led EH PMIC manufacturers to   excite the TEGs.
        offer a range of power management chips,
        each designed to work with a particular   there could be a lot of ambient vibration. In a   System-level considerations come into
        type of harvester. Some of these may also   greenhouse, which may use smart, connected   play, too. If wireless sensor modules are
        need external components for impedance   temperature and humidity sensors, the   deployed close to hubs or routers, low-
        transformation between the harvester and   opposite is true.            power, short-range radio protocols like
        the chip.                                                               Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-Wave or Wi-Fi can be
          This presents a dilemma for the IoT device   GAUGING HOW MUCH ENERGY    used. The final selection is determined by
        manufacturer. A slightly different device   NEEDS TO BE HARVESTED       the required data rate and signal range and
        must be designed for each type of harvester.   The nature of the end application, including   costs. Where IoT devices are connected to a
        Even then, there’s still the problem that the   the wireless connectivity protocol or proto-  network that spans a wide geographic area,
        kinds of energy sources available to power   cols used by IoT devices, are key determinants   cellular or LPWAN connections may be the
        the IoT device may not be known at the time   of power consumption. For example, smart   only options, both of which are power-
        it’s being designed. For example, there’s not   meters send tiny data packets infrequently,   hungry compared with short-range systems,
        much opportunity for solar PV in a railway   whereas streaming video from security    as the comparison table shows.
        tunnel or inside an industrial plant, but   cameras is data- and power-hungry.  A detailed analysis of the power profile of
                                                                                an IoT device when it’s deployed in the field is
                                                                                the first step in determining the performance
                                                                                required from an energy-harvesting system.

                                                                                EH PMICs EVOLVE TO SIMPLIFY
                                                                                MICRO-ENERGY HARVESTING
                                                                                While IoT could be designed with multiple EH
                                                                                PMICs to create a range of inputs, each suited
                                                                                to a particular type of harvester, this adds
                                                                                cost and wastes hardware resources in most
                                                                                  The most recent trend is toward smarter,
                                                                                multiple-input EH PMICs. With these, two or
                                                                                more types of harvesters can be connected to
                                                                                the same power management chip.
                                                                                  Micro-energy harvesting has not yet
                                                                                delivered on the promise of a battery-less
                                                                                world for IoT devices, but it is certainly on
                                                                                the cusp of doing so. As costs fall,
                                                                                energy-harvesting systems become simpler
                                                                                to design and use, and electronic engineers
                                                                                show more commitment toward environ-
                                                                                mental responsibility. ■
        Comparison of data rates, bandwidth and power consumption for short-range and cellular
        radios. A wireless subsystem can consume anywhere from 150 µW to 400 mW or more.   Huw Davies is CEO and co-founder of
        (Source: Voler Systems)                                                 Trameto.

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