Page 61 - PEN Ebook May 2021
P. 61

Power Management                                                                    POWER MANAGEMENT

          Li-ion Batteries:

          The Future of Motive
 Figure 7: Sum Up

 footprint (an inductor may sometimes be bigger   tion. Battery life estimation, done right from the
 than the regulator IC itself).   first development steps, will prevent any unnec-  Power
 essary design modification in the future.
 Here is a sum up of the power management   By Robin Schneider, Director of Marketing, Green Cubes
 strategies introduced in this article. The results
 come from my professional experience, as well   The Li-ion battery industry is rapidly expanding   weight, higher power, improved safety and en-
 as battery life estimations conducted on our sim-  as governments around the world accelerate the   vironmental benefits of Li-ion chemistry and its
 ulation tool Wisebatt.   energy infrastructure needed to support climate   variants. The big auto makers are aggressively

          change initiatives. The major news outlets are       moving their fleets to electric power and there
 With a great understanding of the use case, engi-  reporting on the technology in their headlines   is a trickle-down effect in other motive applica-
 neers can find the most adapted technique, with   almost on a daily basis; from the New York Times   tions, from aviation ground support equipment to
 regards to three crucial criteria: performance,   “The Auto Industry Bets Its Future on Batteries”   electric scooters. With the wide-spread adoption
 price, form factor. A good practice is to test each   and “17 Reasons to Let the Economic Optimism   of Li-ion technology, there is an improved vari-
 solution and observe its impact, through simula-  Begin”, which predicts improvements in Li-ion bat-  ety in the chemistries and formfactors available
          tery technology similar to the predictive improve-   and this, in turn, enables the implementation of

          ments in semi-conductors known as Moore’s Law.       battery technology in a wider range of devices. In
 For More Information
                                                               this article, I will discuss the battery technology
          Li-ion batteries are finding new applications in     available for electric power and address typical
          markets as they are replacing the older lead-acid    concerns and tips for newly implementing these
          technology and there is a drive to convert prod-     innovations in motive applications. First, let’s
          ucts that previously used internal combustion        review some of the high-level changes to what is
   ▶ Benefits and drawbacks of the most common power management techniques, Talk
          engines (ICE) to electric power. Motive applica-     available in the market and where the technology
 at Power Forum 2020  tions, from fork-lifts to landscape equipment,   and price points are headed.
          can benefit from increased run-time, decreased

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