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NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                             VIDEO & PODCAST

            Power Conversion System for                        Acquisition to Boost the Growth

            Battery Storage                                    in EV Applications

            The SINAMICS PCS compact and robust power          These acquisitions will expand NI’s portfolio                       Powering EVs with Charging                        Open Source for Energy
            conversion system includes connection tech-        of electrification (EV), battery, and sustaina-                     Stations – Podcast                                Transition – Podcast
            nology and control, line filter, drive and liq-    ble energy capabilities. NI has announced the
            uid-cooling. Siemens presents a liquid-cooled,     acquisition of NH Research, LLC. The trans-                         The rapid adoption of electric vehicles will      In this podcast with Shuli Goodman, founder
            robust power conversion system based upon          action closed on October 19, 2021. NI is also                       increase the demand for EV supporting tech-       and executive director of LF Energy, a Linux
            the proven SINAMICS S120 platform. With            announcing that it recently entered into a de-                      nologies and charging infrastructures.            Foundation project, we will analyze the open
            SINAMICS PCS, Siemens presents a new power         finitive agreement to purchase the EV Systems                                                                         source innovation in the energy and electricity
            conversion system for battery storage applica-     business of Rosenheim, Germany -based Hein-                                                                           sectors.
            tions. The SINAMICS PCS grid converter makes       zinger GmbH, a European leader in high-cur-
            locally generated batter power usable for in-      rent and high-voltage power systems and this                              FOR MORE INFORMATION >                            FOR MORE INFORMATION >
            dustrial and public power grids.                   deal is expected to close in Q1 2022.

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            High-Power Integrated Magnetic                     Expanded Offer with SiC
            Components                                         Diodes

            This innovation provides up to 40-50% reduc-       Nexperia has announced its entry into the
            tion in volume compared with current discrete      Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes market with the
            industrial solutions for the same power man-       introduction of 650 V, 10 A SiC Schottky di-
            agement. PREMO releases the new 11kW 3DPow-        odes. Nexperia has announced its entry into                         From Silicon to Silicon carbide                   RF-based Wireless Charging
            erTM solution, a Full Bridge LLC Transformer 150   the high-power Silicon Carbide (SiC) diodes                         (SiC) – Podcast                                   Technology – Podcast
            µH + Resonant Choke 25 µH merged in 1 single       market with the introduction of 650 V, 10 A
            unit. This innovation provides up to 40-50%        SiC Schottky diodes. This is a strategic move                       In this podcast with Anant Agarwal, IEEE Fel-     Energous’ WattUp wireless charging solution is
            reduction in volume compared with current          for Nexperia, already a trusted supplier of                         low  Professor, Department of Electrical and      based on RF technology and enables the next
            discrete industrial solutions for the same power   efficient power Gallium Nitride (GaN) FETs, to                      Computer Engineering at The Ohio State Uni-       generation of hearing aids without having to
            management. Most of the Power Converters           expand its high-voltage wide bandgap semi-                          versity, we will discover the benefits and the    worry about battery replacement.
            (resonant topologies) in the market has a Trans-   conductor device offering.                                          applications of SiC.
            former, Resonant Choke and Output choke.

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                  FOR MORE INFORMATION >                             FOR MORE INFORMATION >

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