Page 29 - EE Times Europe Magazine – June 2024
P. 29

EE|Times EUROPE   29

                                              Certifying RISC-V: Industry Moves to Achieve RISC-V Core Quality

        type and combinations are important. Check-  However, a common organization can propel
        ing branch prediction, verifying instruction   such an initiative, and RISC-V International is
        privilege levels and ensuring exceptions are   doing just that.
        handled correctly are just a few examples.
          Another aspect of instruction testing is   RISC-V CERTIFICATION        For reader inquiries and address changes,
                                                                                 please contact:
        to ensure compliance with the official ISA   RISC-V International and other organizations   To unsubscribe, please go to:
        specification. Various tests are available, but   have already implemented a RISC-V ISA com-
        they achieve only some of this architectural   pliance test suite. While the suite is a useful
        test requirement.                   start, it is in no way comprehensive enough to
          Instruction-level, architectural testing is   be solely replied upon. RISC-V    Aspencore Media GmbH
        just the start. Up to 80% of processor execu-  International’s board recognized the need to   Frankfurter Straße 211
        tion consists of load-store operations, and   set up a rigorous certification program that   63263 Neu-Isenburg
        these must be efficient. The same applies to   would provide processor suppliers with an
        the interrupt mechanisms and many other   independent assessment of the performance   EE TIMES EDITORIAL MANAGEMENT
                                                                                 Cyrus Krohn, Editor-in-Chief, EE Times,
        interfacing requirements. Functional opera-  of their devices, yielding information on
        tion and performance-related issues must be   which their customers could rely.  Anne-Françoise Pelé, Editor-in-Chief, EE Times Europe,
        checked together, as read-write hazards can   Certification programs exist for other
                                                                                 Echo Zhao, Chief Analyst,
        cause unexpected problems that prove diffi-  industry standards, such as Wi-Fi, USB and   Yorbe Zhang, Head of AspenCore APAC,
        cult to debug. Such a concerted effort requires   PCIe. While these interface protocols require
        in-depth, microarchitectural testing, which   extensive test suites, their verification is sim-  GLOBAL ASPENCORE EDITORS
        in turn requires test synthesis that combines   pler than verifying a full processor core. Arm   Matthew Burgess,
                                                                                 Anthea Chuang,
        different test sets to weed out complex,   and Intel undoubtedly have internal sign-off   Nitin Dahad,
        unpredictable corner cases.         processes for their new cores, but these are   Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio,
                                            proprietary. As such, no public program of
                                                                                 Yvonne Geng,
        RISC-V International’s              this nature to certify a device as complex as a   Amy Guan,
                                                                                 Susan Hong,
                                            processor core that can be applied to a range
        board recognized the need           of core architectures has been created before,   Illumi Huang,
                                                                                 Barbara Jorgensen,
                                                                                 Majeed Ahmad Kamran,
        for a certification program to      and it is a daunting challenge.      Clover Lee,
                                              The RISC-V board recently formed the
                                                                                 Shao Lefeng,
        provide processor suppliers         RISC-V Certification Steering Committee   Jenny Liao,
                                                                                 Elaine Lin,
                                            (CSC) to tackle the task. Members include
        with an independent                 commercial RISC-V users, processor provid-  Luffy Liu,
                                                                                 Stefani Muñoz,
                                                                                 Challey Peng,
        assessment of the                   ers, test suite providers and other experts in   Gina Roos,
                                            this area. The committee is new but is moving
                                                                                 Fendy Wang,
        performance of their devices.       aggressively to come up with a concrete plan   Sally Ward-Foxton,
                                                                                 Demi Xia,
                                            that addresses what tests might be used, how   Franklin Zhao,
                                            the program would operate, to what degree   Momo Zhong,
          The core should also be tested in a    the tests would check overall architecture and   CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
        system-on-chip. Depending on the core—or   other definitional questions. By the end of the   Pat Brans,
        multicore—complexity, we start to see coher-  year, the CSC should have a comprehensive   Robert Huntley,
                                                                                 Saumitra Jagdale,
        ency issues, security vulnerabilities, complex   plan and will be well on its way to implement-  Egil Juliussen,
        interrupts and many more.           ing it.                              Stefano Lovati,
          This is extreme verification, and it is what   The RISC-V board fully expects the CSC   Rebecca Pool,
                                                                                 Anton Shilov,
        drives processor companies like Arm to invest   to remove a critical potential barrier to the   Ann Thryft,
        so much. It is unreasonable to expect a small   full deployment of RISC-V processors by   PRODUCTION
        team to build such a verification environment.   providing a quality stamp of approval for the   Adeline Cannone, Design Director,
        The only way to achieve an appropriate level   most complex devices that will be accepted
        of verification by smaller teams is dramatic   across the semiconductor industry. This is no   Lori O’Toole, Chief Copy Editor,
                                                                                 Diana Scheben, Senior Copy Editor,
        test content reuse.                 mean feat, and it will require a broad range
          One advantage of a common ISA is that   of expertise to achieve verification levels not   SALES & MARKETING
        it enables multiple teams to combine forces   previously seen in the public domain. But it   Christiane Lockner,
        by combining test suites. A vehicle for such   is absolutely necessary to achieve the same   The Hufmann Agency,,
        a common reusable test set is a system-level   quality expectation for RISC-V cores as we   Todd Bria,
        verification intellectual property component   observe for its commercial counterparts.  Cyrus Krohn, Vice President, Publisher — AspenCore
        (SystemVIP) targeting RISC-V. With this   RISC-V is about to get a whole lot more
        approach, a commercial or other organization   reliable. ■               Copyright© All rights reserved. No part of this publication
                                                                                 may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
        would build a common test set by leveraging                              means  without  the  prior  express  written  permission  of
        economies of scale, spreading the investment   REFERENCE                 AspenCore Media. Although we make every effort to present
                                                                                 up-to-date, accurate information, EE Times Europe will not
        across many core developments. This is the   1 BCC Research (December 2022). “RISC-V    be responsible for any errors or omissions or for any results
                                                                                 obtained from the use of such information. The magazine
        purpose of commercial verification com-  Technology: Global Market Outlook.”    will not be li able for any loss caused by the reliance on
        panies, as well as open-source projects by        information obtained on this site. Furthermore, EE Times
                                                                                 Europe  does  not  warrant  the  accuracy  or  completeness
        corporations that include Google.                                        of the information, text, graphics in this magazine. The
          Of course. such cooperation is difficult   Dave Kelf is CEO of Breker Verification   opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors
                                                                                 and not necessarily the opinions of the publisher.
        between commercial, competitive entities.   Systems.
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