Page 16 - EE Times Europe Magazine – June 2024
P. 16

16 EE|Times EUROPE

        Avalanche Photodiode Innovations

        Target LiDAR Cost Challenges

        By Robert Huntley

                  ithout sensors, an autono-                                            “At 905 nm, you can use cheap
                  mous vehicle cannot perceive                                          gallium arsenide lasers and low-
                  its surrounding environment                                           cost silicon detectors.”
        Wand potential hazards. The                                                       However, he cautioned, “At that
        same goes for the plethora of advanced                                          wavelength, you are quite close to
        driver-assistance systems (ADAS), which are                                     the wavelengths the eye absorbs
        increasingly becoming the norm in today’s                                       since your cornea can still focus
        vehicles. Some ADAS functions, such as blind-                                   light onto your retina, so you have
        spot detection and adaptive cruise control,                                     to use low-power lasers. But in so
        are required to detect over different distances,                                doing, you don’t have the photon
        leading automotive engineers to select suit-                                    budget required to see out the
        able sensor technology, such as ultrasonic,                                     required 250 meters over a rea-
        radar and LiDAR. Increasingly, through sensor                                   sonable field of view using a single
        fusion techniques, data from multiple detec-                                    channel. You’ll see companies
        tion methods are “fused” together to create                                     using 256 lines of laser detectors
        a more accurate, multi-dimensional image of                                     instead to get around that. Yes,
        the environment surrounding the vehicle.                                        you can use low-cost components,
          LiDAR is a popular method of detecting                                        but you end up using a horrendous
        objects, typically up to 200 meters away, by                                    number of them to make up. So
        emitting short pulses of infrared light from                                    you have sacrificed cheap compo-
        a laser and detecting reflections. The time of   Avalanche photodiodes are operated with a reverse   nents for system complexity.”
        flight yields the distance between the vehicle   voltage to place their operation just below breakdown   White said that Phlux is focused
        and the object. Initially, a LiDAR subsys-  to achieve the maximum gain. (Source: Phlux)  on the 1,550-nm wavelength with
        tem was expensive, particularly those using                                     its high-sensitivity Aura InGaAs
        spinning mechanical and optical methods to                                      photodiodes range. “At this wave-
        control the field of view (FOV). However, with   told EE Times Europe. “My co-founder and   length, you can use large amounts of laser
        its growing popularity and the development   professor [and I] had an early breakthrough   power without damaging the human eye. The
        of MEMs-based FOV control, costs have been   when we discovered how a particular alloy   cornea doesn’t focus on the light, but also, the
        reduced significantly.              composition of antimony exhibited some   goo in your eye absorbs that wavelength.”
          As with any sensing application, the sen-  unique electron properties of very low-noise
        sor’s specifications dictate the performance   behavior you could exploit for a detector.  IMPROVED APD PERFORMANCE
        characteristics of the complete subsystem.   “There is a growing adoption of LiDAR for   AT 1,550 NM
        The receiving sensor in a LiDAR camera is   automotive applications,” he said. “How-  While using 1,550 nm offers an eye-safe
        typically a photodiode, converting the reflect-  ever, the cost of the laser is still a limiting   wavelength, many APDs are not particularly
        ing light into electrical energy. Avalanche   challenge for mass LiDAR rollout. With our   sensitive at that shortwave infrared wave-
        photodiodes (APDs) are highly sensitive, and   highly sensitive APD, subsystem designers   length. “With our Aura Noiseless APDs, we
        their operation uses an avalanche process   can use a lower-cost laser to achieve the same   can deliver a much more competitive position
        that yields a multiplier factor, creating more   performance figures as an expensive laser   against the cheaper, silicon-based APDs,
        electrical output from a given number of   with a traditional InGaAs APD. That reduces   rebalancing the design tradeoffs using low-
        reflected photons.                  the overall bill of materials down to a point   cost lasers,” White said. “The detectors in use
                                            where it can be mass-produced.”     today haven’t evolved much in the last
        COST STILL A MAJOR CONSIDERATION      EE Times Europe asked White if there are   25 years. The new applications, such as
        To date, the fabrication of APDs has focused   other limiting factors besides cost. “Reliability   LiDAR, bring much higher performance
        on using an indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs)   is a massive concern for automotive, since the   demands. What differentiates us from others
        process operating with a 905-nm laser.   cost of a recall, even if it’s only due to the fail-  making detectors for 1,550 nm is that we add
        However, Phlux Technology (Sheffield, U.K.)   ure of a few units, can create really bad press,”   an antimony alloy to the compound semicon-
        claimed it has developed an InGaAs technol-  he said. “So it is essential to have extremely   ductor during manufacturing. With a
        ogy capable of operating at 1,550 nm that is   low failure rates, both naturally and ran-  12× better LiDAR image resolution for a given
        12× more sensitive than traditional APDs and   domly, throughout the product’s lifetime, and   laser power and an APD gain of up to 120,
        overcomes many of the challenges associated   as we understand, it is one of the issues with   we can discern the smallest signals above
        with 905-nm lasers. EE Times Europe spoke   today’s LiDAR systems.”     the noise floor of a connected transimped-
        with CEO and co-founder Ben White to learn                              ance amplifier and offer size, weight and
        why the 1,550-nm wavelength offers better   905 NM VS. 1,550 NM         bill-of-material cost reductions.” ■
        performance for automotive applications.  White told EE Times Europe that the LiDAR
          “Phlux Technology started as a research   industry currently appears divided into two   Robert Huntley is a contributing writer for
        project at the University of Sheffield,” White   camps regarding the best wavelength to use.   EE Times Europe.

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