Page 50 - EE Times Europe Magazine – November 2023
P. 50

50 EE|Times EUROPE

        Evaluating Hydrogen’s Role in Energy Storage Solutions

        Capacity and discharge duration comparison of energy storage methods (Source: IDTechEx)

        energy for extended periods—ranging from   substantial, as electrolyzer plants and storage   power production from hydrogen is not likely
        days to months—is particularly beneficial   facilities are highly expensive. However,   to occur before 2035.
        during seasons characterized by low    once the infrastructure is established, large   Despite these hurdles, ongoing commer-
        renewable-energy production.        amounts of energy can be stored as hydrogen   cial initiatives could see acceleration driven
          However, it is crucial to acknowledge the   for very long durations. Moreover, no addi-  by favorable regulatory changes, emission
        inherent inefficiencies and challenges asso-  tional infrastructure may need to be installed,   limitations and subsidies. A wide range
        ciated with hydrogen as an energy storage   unlike with battery systems, as production of   of companies see growing opportunities
        medium. Round-trip efficiency is a major   hydrogen can ramp up and down.  in hydrogen energy storage, ranging from
        concern, often amounting to only about 36%                              electrolyzer suppliers to power electronics
        in a gas power plant running on green hydro-  OUTLOOK                   and hydrogen storage system providers.
        gen. These inefficiencies arise from various   The utilization of hydrogen in energy storage,   Modular hydrogen energy storage systems
        stages in power-to-gas-to-power conversions.   although still in its infancy, holds substantial   have already made inroads into the market.
        For instance, electricity transmission can   promise for broader decarbonization efforts.   Additionally, larger players like power plant
        result in approximately 5% energy loss due   Despite the inefficiencies in round-trip   developers and turbine suppliers are increas-
        to grid heat losses. Electrolysis inefficiencies   energy conversions, hydrogen emerges as an   ingly exploring opportunities in this field.
        can vary widely depending on the electrolyzer   interesting solution for balancing renew-  Projects and ongoing technological evolu-
        technology, from about a 30% loss in alkaline   able energy and storing energy for off-grid   tions reinforce that hydrogen’s contribution
        water electrolysis to 10% to 20% in solid oxide   applications. However, the wider adoption of   to energy storage is increasingly within reach.
        electrolyzers. Furthermore, compressing   hydrogen for electricity applications demands   As renewable energy continues to claim a
        hydrogen can result in a 10% to 30% energy   more evolved business models to achieve   larger share of the energy-generation mix,
        loss, depending on the pressure used.  commercial viability.            the adoption of hydrogen storage solutions is
          A crucial factor that adds complexity to   One of the principal roadblocks to the   expected to gain momentum. However, this is
        the energy storage landscape is the capex   widespread adoption of hydrogen is the high   still only expected to happen in the long term,
        associated with these technologies, par-  capex associated with the development of   likely post-2035,  featuring a more in-depth
        ticularly as it relates to extending storage   blue and green hydrogen production facilities   exploration of the hydrogen value chain. ■
        duration. Li-ion batteries experience a nearly   and pipeline infrastructure. Added to this
        linear increase in capex for longer durations,   are the challenges of long timelines for salt   REFERENCE
        becoming financially impractical beyond six   cavern development, financial risks in hydro-  1 IDTechEx recently released a market study,
        hours of storage. RFBs, conversely, show a   gen and renewable projects, and the need for   “Hydrogen Economy 2023-2033: Production,
        more tempered capex rise, primarily because   robust business models for energy sales based   Storage, Distribution & Applications,” which may
        the scaling cost is concentrated on the   on hydrogen. These multifaceted challenges   be read at
        electrolyte storage tanks, thus making them   cast doubt on the near- to medium-term fea-
        economically viable for medium durations.   sibility of hydrogen’s role in energy storage.   Chingis Idrissov is a technology analyst at
        For hydrogen storage, the upfront capex is   Siemens Energy has projected that large-scale   IDTechEx.

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