Page 49 - EE Times Europe Magazine – November 2023
P. 49
EE|Times EUROPE 49
Evaluating Hydrogen’s Role in Energy Storage Solutions
Concept of green hydrogen use for energy storage (Source: IDTechEx)
systems. Salt caverns also offer an under- be opportunities to supply hydrogen to the demonstrate the diverse roles that hydro-
ground alternative for very large volumes of transportation and industrial sectors as well. gen technologies can fulfill, from balancing
hydrogen. In another instance, Battolyser Systems, energy supply and demand to generating
When energy demand peaks, this stored a spinoff from Delft University and Proton heat, making them an increasingly promising
hydrogen can be withdrawn and either used in Ventures, offers an innovative solution: a bat- energy solution for off-grid areas.
a PEM fuel-cell system or combusted in a gas tery that converts into an electrolyzer when
turbine plant. The first option means that the fully charged. Utilizing iron and low-grade HYDROGEN VS. BATTERIES: WHERE IS
renewable site, electrolyzer plant, hydrogen nickel electrodes, this system aims to achieve HYDROGEN’S NICHE?
storage site and fuel-cell facility can all be 85% efficiency over a 20-year lifespan. The In the discourse on energy storage tech-
co-located, while the latter option means that technology provides a compelling avenue for nologies, hydrogen energy storage, battery
a pipeline needs to connect the storage site simultaneous energy storage and hydrogen energy storage systems (BESS) and redox flow
to a gas-fired peaking plant. Existing gas- production. batteries (RFBs) often stand in comparison,
fired plants can potentially be retrofitted to In the realm of off-grid energy storage, each displaying a unique set of economic
accommodate hydrogen combustion. Turbine hydrogen technologies are emerging as a and technical pros and cons. Economically,
technology suppliers like Siemens Energy, GE versatile energy solution. For instance, GKN hydrogen storage systems are more expensive
Gas Power and Mitsubishi Power are already Hydrogen’s project at the Arieshof Hotel than batteries in the short to medium terms.
developing such solutions. in South Tyrol, Italy, employs its HY2MEDI While lithium-ion batteries present levelized
Projects under development reveal the product line, featuring a solid-state metal cost of electricity values of 0.2–0.4 US$/kWh,
growing applicability of hydrogen in energy hydride hydrogen storage system. This system depending on the technology and storage
applications. One example is the Advanced integrates seamlessly with electrolyzers and duration, hydrogen’s economic position is
Clean Energy Storage (ACES) project in Delta, fuel cells in a containerized solution, supply- still largely theoretical, awaiting validation
Utah. As a joint venture between Mitsubishi ing both electricity and heat and underscoring from real-world applications. However, aca-
Power Americas and Magnum hydrogen’s multi-functionality for off-grid demic techno-economic studies suggest that
Development (acquired by Chevron’s New applications. long-term hydrogen energy storage could fall
Energies division), ACES aims to use renew- Another example is GeoPura’s Hydrogen into the same U.S.-dollar-per-kilowatt-hour
able energy to produce 150,000 tons of green Power Unit (HPU), a 250-kW containerized range.
hydrogen annually, storing it in underground solution being trialed at National Grid’s sub- Techno-economic evaluations suggest that
salt caverns (a potential storage capacity station at the Deeside Centre for BESS and RFB systems excel in diurnal (short-
of 300 GWh of energy). The hydrogen will Innovation (U.K.) and HS2’s construction site term) energy storage applications, whereas
be used to fuel the Intermountain Power in London. The HPU includes a fuel-cell stack, hydrogen has carved out a unique niche in
Project, an 840-MW blended gas power plant battery system and various control systems the domain of long-term, seasonal storage.
also under construction in Delta. The plant to balance supply and demand. The system is Battery systems have limited discharge
will use 30% hydrogen at startup in 2025, also able to supply hot water (60°C) via a heat duration periods, on the order of hours, with
with plans to achieve 100% hydrogen by exchanger (heat from the fuel cell), extending little demand for longer discharge duration on
2045. However, Chevron believes there will its utility in off-grid settings. These projects the market now. Hydrogen’s ability to store | NOVEMBER 2023