Page 21 - EE Times Europe Magazine – November 2023
P. 21

EE|Times EUROPE   21

                                                        Server Processors in the AI Era: Can They Go Greener?

                                                                                a special processor architecture that is
                                                                                specifically designed to maximize the ratio
                                                                                of performance to power consumption.
                                                                                Full-custom ASIC processors are already
                                                                                deployed for video and recommender systems
                                                                                as well as AI training and inference; this trend
                                                                                will increase and allow for squeezing more
                                                                                performance/power juice. In this context,
                                                                                application-specific instruction set processors
                                                                                (ASIPs), in which the instruction set archi-
                                                                                tecture is optimally tailored for a specific
                                                                                application, are a viable solution for addi-
                                                                                tional environmental gains.
                                                                                  Packaging technologies like chiplets, in
                                                                                which a big processor is split into smaller dice
                                                                                to gain lower cost and better yield, allow for
                                                                                improved power management and are already
                                                                                being employed. Chiplets make it possible to
                                                                                increase the effective die area considerably
                                                                                beyond the reticle size, and thousands of
        Figure 2: Power savings accumulation through the data center units resulting from a 1-W   small cores have been demonstrated that, in
        power savings at the processor. From left to right, the bars plot the accumulated power   combination with intelligent energy manage-
        consumption savings across the data center. (Source: Vertiv, 2023 )     ment, make it possible to achieve an optimal
                                                                                performance-to-power ratio.
                                                                                  While all of these directions fall within
          Therefore, the server processor power    the metric shown in the following equation:  the realm of processor design, new algo-
        consumption is significant. According to a                              rithms for redefining AI models so that they
        report from infrastructure provider Vertiv,   Performance ÷ (Cost × Area × Power)  require less computing power and memory
        1 W of power saved at the server processor   where performance is the number of    bandwidth should also be considered, as has
        translates into a total savings of 2.84 W   floating-point or integer operations per   happened in convolutional neural networks
        across the data center.  Figure 2 illustrates   second and where die cost, area (mm ,   (i.e., compression). ■
        how a 1-W power savings at the processor   reticle-size limited) and power (W) are
        affects different components of the data   self-explanatory. From an environmental per-  REFERENCES
        center and leads to about a 3× power savings   spective, the primary objective is to maximize   1 Rozite et al. (July 11, 2023). “Data Centres and
        in total. For example, 1 W saved at the pro-  the performance-to-power ratio. Improv-  Data Transmission Networks.” International Energy
        cessor leads to a 0.18-W savings in DC/DC   ing performance in parallel to reducing   Agency.
        power conversion, 0.31 W in AC/DC power   power consumption is usually a conflicting   2 Roser, M. (Dec. 6, 2022). “The brief history of
        conversion and so forth. Notably,    requirement. There is a vicious circle that   artificial intelligence: The world has changed fast –
        1.07 W of cooling power is saved for every   works against maximizing this equation, as   what might be next?” Our World in Data.
        watt of processor power saved.      its variables are interrelated via their mutual
                                            dependence on the transistor density (tech-  3 Bastian, M. (March 25, 2023). “GPT-4 has more than
        Despite great efforts               nology node), transistor count, memory size,   a trillion parameters.” The Decoder.
                                            clock frequency, driving voltage, number of
        to improve processors’              cores and threads, wafer yield and more.  4 Hines, K. (July 19, 2023). “OpenAI Increases GPT-4
                                              We are already practicing power manage-
        efficiency, the rapid growth        ment techniques, such as voltage-frequency   Message Cap To 50 For ChatGPT Plus Users.” Search
                                                                                Engine Journal.
        of AI workloads has resulted        scaling and clock gating. Logic synthesis and   5 energy efficiency with 3D die-stacking graphics
                                                                                Zhao et al. (Dec. 1, 2013). “Optimizing GPU
                                            physical design optimization can also come to
        in a substantial increase in        the rescue. So what’s next?         memory and reconfigurable memory interface.”
                                              Gate-all-around technology will increase
        energy consumption over the         the driving current per area in tandem with   ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code
                                                                                Optimization, 10(4), pp. 1–25.
        past decade.                        better channel control that reduces static
                                            (leakage) power. Dropping the nominal core   6 Vertiv. (2023). “Energy Logic: Calculating and
                                            voltage (V DD ) to 0.65 V would further save on   Prioritizing Your Data Center IT Efficiency Actions.”
          The current average rack density is about   dynamic power (compared with FinFET-based
        10 kW per rack.  Therefore, a savings of even a   processors). Novel advanced logic approaches   7 CoreSite. (2023). “Facing the Data Center Power
        few percentage points at the server proces-  are emerging, such as Quasi-CMOS, in which   Density Challenge.”
        sor can translate into a significant power   a modified circuit topology enables a signifi-  8 NeoLogic. “Powering the Next Generation
        savings at the rack level and positively affect   cant improvement in the    Processors: A New VLSI Design Paradigm.”
        both electricity usage and greenhouse gas   performance-to-power ratio. 8
        emissions.                            Furthermore, the best possible
          While the advancement of processors’    performance-to-power ratio for a specific   Avi Messica is co-founder and CEO, and
        performance is power-limited, other factors   application may not be attainable via a    Ziv Leshem is co-founder and CTO, both of
        can’t be ignored. Usually, we seek to maximize   general-purpose processor but rather via   NeoLogic.

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