Page 37 - EETimes Europe June 2021
P. 37

EE|Times EUROPE   37

            EV & AV
           Roadmap to Next-Gen EV & AV Conference

           Proceedings Debut

           By Junko Yoshida and Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio

                 he automotive industry is off to the   and truly autonomous vehicles and the role   examined the powertrain challenges con-
                 races on vehicle electrification and   of WBG semiconductor technologies in   fronting EV manufacturers, OEMs, and
                 automation. To enable electric vehi-  increasing EV efficiency, cost/performance,   Tier 1 suppliers. An essential challenge is
           T cles to charge faster and run longer   and customer acceptance. We’ve now made   the requirement for fast-charging stations to
           on a charge, automotive power electronics   the conference proceedings available for free   reduce battery charge times. The resulting
           designers need wide-bandgap semiconduc-  download now on Power Electronics News.   thermal increase in powertrain systems will
           tors (gallium nitride and silicon carbide) and   You’ll find a compilation of the insights   require controlled thermal management to
           new powertrain architectures that can meet   shared in the keynotes; panel discussions   optimize heat flow.
           EVs’ efficiency and power density require-  about device-monitoring systems, wide-band-  On the AV side, the driver-monitoring
           ments. To make highly automated vehicles   gap semiconductors, and powertrain and   system (DMS), overshadowed by the hype
                                               ADAS technologies; and technical presenta-  surrounding autonomous vehicles, has been
           The Roadmap to Next-Gen             tions, along with links to the video and slide   underreported and underappreciated —
                                                                                   especially among U.S.-based carmakers and
                                               presentations to allow you to explore the
           EV & AV virtual conference          topics further.                     consumers. EE Times assembled a panel of
                                                 The proceedings shed fresh light on the pit-
           proceedings are now available       falls and challenges for anyone committed to   leading DMS experts — including designers
                                                                                   of DMS software and hardware, suppliers of
           for free download.                  developing the power-efficient, advanced, and   chips and modules, a system integrator, and
                                               increasingly automated EVs of the immediate   an industry analyst — to discuss the basic
                                               future. We discuss specific power archi-  science behind the technology, the design
           see better, carmakers are on the lookout for   tectures, such as GaN-based EV inverters,   options available to carmakers for DMS
           “eyesight” sensor technologies that will work   SiC-based switches, and high-voltage battery   implementation, and how companies plan to
           in all weather, on any terrain, and under any   management systems. SiC WBG semiconduc-  sell DMS features to consumers.
           lighting conditions, day or night. Next-   tors have been a technology accelerator for   Delve into these discussions and more
           generation vehicles not only will monitor   electric vehicles, increasing the power density   by downloading the conference proceedings
           the road but will keep an eye on the driver,   of the electronics system while reducing the   on ■
           occupants, and conditions inside the car.  overall size, weight, and cost.
             EE Times’ Roadmap to Next-Gen EV &   To maximize the EV driving range per   Junko Yoshida recently retired as global
           AV virtual conference assembled leading   charge for a given battery capacity, the   editor-in-chief of AspenCore.
           automotive-technology and market experts   entire power conversion chain must achieve
           from across the global electronics industry   the maximum efficiency possible. During   Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio is editor-in-chief of
           to debate the dividing line between ADAS   a conference panel, three industry experts   Power Electronics News and EEWeb.

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