Page 55 - EE Times Europe Magazine | June2020
P. 55

EE|Times EUROPE — Sensors Insert   55

             TRENDS TO WATCH
           Microfluidic Technologies Diagnose

           World’s Return to Normal

           By Anne-Françoise Pelé and Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio

                  s countries work to contain the   days to yield results. A rapid test
                  Covid-19 pandemic, the need for   can help contain the number of
                  effective diagnostic testing has   unnecessary visits to health clinics
           A been front and center. Accurate,   and save lives by reducing the
           accessible testing is a precondition for the   spread of the virus. Researchers are
           population’s gradual return to normal — or,   looking to apply microfluidic chips
           most likely, a new normal.          in coronavirus test protocols.
                                                 Microfluidics is a multidisci-
                                               plinary field involving engineering,
                                               physics, biochemistry, and nano-
                                               technology. It deals primarily with
                                               the behavior, precise control, and
                                               handling of geometrically con-  Microfluidic chip (Image:
                                               fined fluids on a small (typically
                                               sub-millimetric) scale, in a context
                                               in which capillarity governs mass transport.   10 cm in length. The thickness ranges are
                                                 Microfluidic technology thus proves to be   from about 0.5 mm to 5 mm.
                                               very suitable for the definition of the test   The flow of liquids through the channel net-
                                               structure used in many fields of biological   work can be induced by various systems, such
                                               research and has the potential to offer rapid   as pressure regulators, syringes, and hydro-
                                               diagnostic tools.                   static pressure. Microfluidic units are used to
                   Yole Développement’s          In a typical approach using a microfluidic   measure molecular diffusion coefficients, fluid
                      Sébastien Clerc          chip, a small volume of fluid is injected in   viscosity, pH, and required chemical coeffi-
                                               micron-scale channels by using a pump,   cients. Microfluidic PCR chips have already
             Diagnostics companies have mobilized their   allowing precise control of the microenviron-  been used to detect viruses and bacteria and
           resources and readied tens of tests, sometimes   ment to reduce mass and heat transfer times.   could offer excellent functionality in the
           within weeks. In the face of the health emer-  It thus requires smaller samples and less   RT-PCR workflow for diagnosing Covid-19.
           gency, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration   reagant, enabling greater efficiency at a lower   Microfluidic approaches have several
           and other regulatory bodies have lowered   cost compared with conventional methods.   advantages over other conventional solutions:
           their standards and granted “Emergency Use   Different types of pumps precisely move    faster reaction times, higher sensitivity, better
           Authorizations” for some of the tests. Since   liquid inside the chip at a rate of 1 μL/   temperature control, automation, and easier
           mid-March, companies including GenMark,   minute to 10,000 μL/minute. The form factor   parallelization with microelectromechanical
           BioFire, Cepheid, and Mesa Biotech have   is usually transparent and measures 1 cm to   system (MEMS) solutions.
           received approvals for their microfluidic-based
           rapid molecular testing for SARS-CoV-2, the
           pathogen that causes Covid-19.
             A new dynamic of innovation is emerging
           around the world, and it seems obvious that
           there will be a before and after Covid-19.
           “The pandemic will certainly leave its mark
           on the way we work, produce, and live in
           society,” Sébastien Clerc, technology and
           market analyst in microfluidics, sensing,
           and actuating at Yole Développement (Lyon,
           France), told EE Times Europe. The structure
           of the diagnostics industry will change as it
           intensifies its R&D activity and continues to
           consolidate. Overall, the microfluidics market
           will grow at a CAGR of 11.7% to US$17.4
           billion in 2024, Yole predicts.

           The Covid-19 test protocol includes a real-
           time reverse-transcription polymerase chain
           reaction (RT-PCR) test of a person’s saliva or
           nasal sample and may currently take several

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